Chapter 37 Letting it all out

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

Two weeks have passed Joshua has not woken up yet making everyone worry he wouldn't wake up again, The world was still mourning for the dead in Vale some have taken arms to find Cinder Fall after the Atlas Military released her identity also releasing Mercury, Emerald and Adam's identities to warn other Kingdoms or villages who they are. Winter is coming, Ruby and her friends who stayed in Patch which consists of Yang, Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, Nora, Jesus, Flor, and Albert have been training to prepare themselves on the attack on Haven. 


"What is your opinion on Starlord and Godzilla?" The reporter questioned the Civilian 

"They're Heroes to me, to be honest I feel a lot safer if those two are out there fighting for us." One male responded 

"Starlord, his speech made me and my friends feel safe...I feel like I could do anything." One teenage girl said

"Godzilla, is a monster he's probably no different then that Dragon.." One man said

"A few months ago I met the two with my family....they saved our lives, they didn't care that we were Faunus or Human they smiled at us and told us everything will be okay." A Dog Faunus mother holding her children's hand while her husband has his hand over her shoulder.

"I want to thank them again for protecting us." She smiled at the reporter 

"Joshua! Albert! You're so cool!" The dog Faunus boy yelled at the camera.

"Albert and Joshua? Yeah I seen them in the academy they helped that Bunny Faunus who was being bullied by some first years one their first week attending, They're also the only two man team on Beacon they even saved entire village from an army of Grimm the villagers said they took out hundreds of Grimm big and small until helped arrive." A teen said.

The screen turns off.

*Sigh* Albert's sighs while putting his scroll back into his pocket he leaned back on the sofa.

'I didn't think we were going to be big heroes.' Albert scoffed 

He looked down to his hands 

He immediately gets flashes of Ronan's blood in his hands then Penny's destroyed body.

He began to shake he gripped his right hand with his left to stop shaking, he took deep breaths to calm down.

'Shit.' He cursed 

"You alright kid?" He heard Qrow behind him

He turn to see Qrow leaning on the wall looking concern

"Yeah just remembered some stuff." Albert honestly told not wanting to make things worst.

"Yeah, I could see that." He took a swig on his flask then walked up taking a seat next to Albert

"War does that to you." He said 

"I always knew PTSD was horrible but I didn't think it would be this bad." Albert told the huntsman 

"But, at least no one else has will suffer this fate." Albert smiled 

"You two are taking all the pain just to let Ruby and her friends have better lives..." Qrow leaned back

"You two are making me feel useless." Qrow took a swig on his flask

"You're going to make them work harder now they going to want to take all the weight out of your shoulders." He told the teen

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