Chapter 89: Having Fun with the Boys

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   Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

Joshua's POV - Vale City Docks - Night time

*BOOOM!!!* *Bang!* *Bang!!* 

"You had to fucking talk shit about his mom Moises!!" Albert shouted wearing a tuxedo while firing at the large army of Gangsters that were shooting at them.

"Well that Mother fucker cheated!" Moises shouted back while crouched behind a crate he also was wearing a tuxedo.

"Guys! We got company!" Sun also wearing a tuxedo shouted pointing at the sky, making the entire group turned to that direction seeing multiple bullheads flying towards them.

"Oh, Come on!" Jaune groaned wearing a tuxedo as well.

"Jump!" Ren shouted then jumped off from the dock to the water.

"Oh hell no I am not jumping!!" Neptune shouted, but then was kicked in the butt by Me who was holding a unconscious Oscar under my arm.

"Jump!!" I shouted then the others followed my lead the Bullheads fired multiple missiles towards their position destroying the dock. 


Yup that's me and my friends fighting against a army of gangster, I bet your wondering how the hell did we end up in this kind of situation in just one day. Well it started a few hours ago while we were shopping for a suit for my wedding....


Hours Earlier...

"Again, why would we get a new suit for the wedding since I bought a new one two days ago?" I turned to Ren who was in front of everyone while we walked on the sidewalk.

"A wedding is going to be the day you and Yang will remember the most, so you'll be wearing a perfect suit for Yang." Ren responded while Jaune and Neptune are nodding agreeing with the Ren.

"Stop being a baby Josh at least this is a good excuse for all of us guys to hang out without the girls." Albert wrapped his left arm around my neck.

"I rather be with girls then this sausage fest." Moises smirked 

"Like you would get any girls to like you." I shot back.

"Hey, out of all of us I've had the most girlfriends."

"And look at you now a real ladies man." Albert laughed 

"Hey, guys we all know who had the most girls." Neptune said with a smirk.

"Neptune please you scare them away with your creepy smile." Sun laughed 

The entire group laughed I turned to Oscar seeing him walking behind the rest of us.

"Guys you know who hasn't got a girl?" I smirked 

"Sun." Albert said making Sun cry out tears.

"Nah our little friend right here." I grabbed Oscar in a headlock ruffling his hair.

"Oh yeah~" Albert smirked as well.

"Please don't start.." Oscar groaned 

"Oh come on Oscar we see the way you look at Ruby." I told him.

"Always blushing when she talks to you, you even look at her in the eyes." Albert laughed

"Alright boys let him be." Moises pushed the two of us from Oscar.

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