Chapter 55: More trouble.

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.   

Albert's POV 

Ren and I left our quest room and went to where Velvet and the others were, which was the cafeteria.

Right when I entered the cafeteria door  I saw filled with Atlas students wearing their uniforms, I began to look around the large building looking for my friend.

"What a freak!" I heard a voice on my right 

I turned to the commotion and saw Velvet, Blake and Sun surrounded by a group of Atlas students. Sun looked like he was ready to fight but was being held back by Blake who also looked like she was ready to fight, Velvet looked afraid taking a step back from the group.

"Why are you freaks doing here?" One of them asked 

The three didn't respond only stared at the group.

'Those motherfuckers!' I mentally growled 

I saw one of the girls going for Velvet's ear until I grabbed her wrist, catching everyone's attention

"What. are. you. doing." I growled seeing the shock faces of the students

"Let go idiot I'm showing these freaks they don't belong here!" The teen yelled 

I turned to the rest of the racist group seeing them ready to fight me. I looked back at the girl seeing her struggle trying to free herself.

"Is that Starlord?" I heard whispers around the cafeteria.

"Next time you mess with my girl, I'm going to go after you and your friends and when I'm done with you, you're going to end up as a freak." I threatened and tossed her to her friends 

The group began to leave the three faunus.

"You okay Rabbit?" I turned to Velvet she nodded hesitantly 

"So much for not causing trouble." Sun walked right next to me

"Where's Pyrrha and rest?" I asked them

"They're on their way." Blake responded still angry at the group.

"Let's wait for them and we'll get food let's just not here." I looked around the cafeteria seeing everyone's attention were on us.


Few minutes later...

We met with the others and grabbed our food and left the cafeteria back to our rooms, not wanting to cause another scene. Everyone was sitting on the floor eating their food while Jaune slept on his bed.

"I'm guessing the racism in Atlas is a lot worse then Beacon." I grumbled while taking a bite on my sandwich

"Seems so." Blake said.

Everyone ate in silence

"Albert." She called me

"Mm?" I responded while chewing on my sandwich

"Is something wrong? Ever since we left you and Joshua with General Ironwood you've been looking serious." She looked at me worriedly 

"Yeah, reminds me of Blake when she was White Fang hunting." Sun added earning a glare from Blake making him flinch

I sighed looking at everyone's eyes 

'I'm not getting out of this one.'

"It's about Joshua..." I said

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