Chapter 30 The Attack

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   Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

3rd Pov

"Stop the broadcast now!" Ironwood yelled 

"Sir, we're trying but the CCT isn't responding!" a soldier yelled 

"What!" he yelled 

Location CCT Tower 

"Let the mayhem begin" Mercury said dropping a dead soldier to the floor

Emerald nodded and kept the broadcast going showing the world the fight.

Location Beacon

Ozpin watched the whole incident and stood up surprised at the new threat 

"Ozpin!" Glynda called him coming out of the elevator with Qrow behind her

He then looked at both Huntsmen then realized something

"Check on Cinder Now!" He yelled grabbing his weapon and began to walk to the elevator

Both Huntsmen looked surprised then went back to normal running back towards the Elevator 

"We got Grimm from Mount Glenn heading straight to Vale and Beacon, Ozpin." She told him

"Qrow, Glynda both of you head to the City immediately." He told them

"What about you Oz?" Qrow asked 

"I'm going to check on Cinder." He responded 

Location Under Beacon Tower 3 minutes ago

The elevator door open revealing Neo with a smirk on her face 

She walked around seeing Amber on her Pod she then saw a door to the right.

She walked inside the room showing a Unconscious Cinder her limbs stripped on the railings of the bed.

Neo Smiled and walked up to Cinder she took a needle with blue liquid inside.

She smiled and injected the needle on Cinders neck

After a few seconds Cinder began to wake up.

"Neo?" She said

Neo nodded 

"Where am I?" She stood up from the bed 

She began to walk out of the room seeing a large hallway she turn to the right seeing Amber on the pod.

"Is this the Fall maiden?" She turn to Neo who nodded 

She shook her head and looked at her hands then back at Amber.

She then smiled 


Location - Battle Grounds 

*SKREEEEONNNNNGK* Joshua roared the crowd then began to scream and run out

"Come MONSTER!" Ronan called him 

Joshua dashed towards Ronan landing a punch on Ronan's gut launching back but stopped himself with his hammer

"Is this the strength of the King of Monsters.....Pathetic." He grinned 

Joshua Growled his stance was feral wanting to tear Ronan into pieces 

"Ronan...." He said 

"When I'm done with you, I'll kill everyone at Vale!" He yelled 

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