Chapter 29 The Final Day of the Vytal Festival

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   Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  THIS ALSO CONTAINS SPOILERS! SPOILERS! OF VOLUME 5!

Joshua's POV

After the Duo Battles ended today no it switches to one on one battles this is also the same day Yang fought Mercury and also tomorrow is the last day which also the same day Beacon is attacked even though we captured Cinder stopping the invasion but I feel uneasy like something bad is going to happen, Yesterday duo battles had the same results like in the show so it wasn't a surprised the only difference is my team replacing Cinder's and Yang is defeating her opponents with ease always calm and collected. Penny's team have one as well which means Pyrrha and Penny are fighting one another and I'm fighting Yang replacing Mercury. Well that's what I'm guessing since I'm fighting.

I'm in the lockers looking at the episode 12 of volume 5 in Rwby through my scroll.

'Well fuck, Raven is the Spring Maiden that changes things.' I looked surprised

"Hey Joshua!" I heard Jaune call me

"Oh sup Jaune" I quickly removed the video and put my scroll in my pocket.

I stood up and gave him a low five 

"You ready for the one on on matches?" He asked me

"Yeah I'm just nervous about being around a crowd I'm not the type of person who likes to be in the spotlight." I scratched the back of my head nervously 

"Yeah me too but don't worry about it the people love you." He patted my back

"Have you checked on Pyrrha?" I asked him

"Yeah she's ready kick some butt!" He smiled brightly 

I looked at the door then at my hand thinking of the uneasiness I've been having the whole day.

"You sure you're okay?" Jaune looked concerned 

"Yeah I've just got the feeling something bad might happen today I don't know why." I told him honestly 

"Probably just nervous come on let's go they want all the fighter on the stage." He walked passed me heading to the door

"Right...." I looked at my open hand then shook my head forgetting the feeling 

Time Skip

I stood in the middle of the stage with all the fighters of different teams who made to the finals.

While both announcers Oobleck and Port are discussing the rules and how the fighters are going to be selected I looked around seeing my friends waving and smiling.

I see Albert sitting next to Velvet both smiling and waving at me, I waved back at them.

then Holographic screens appear showing two faces of the fighters.

"Now let's see who our first match will be." Oobleck announced 

Everyone looked at the rotating pictures in anticipation.

The left side ended on my picture with my under it making a ding sound then the right ended on Yang's picture with her name under it.

"Yang Xiao Long and Joshua (L/N)!" the crowd cheered 

'Huh well how about that.' 

"Break a leg, sis!" I heard Ruby yell from the crowd 

"Hopefully she doesn't break mines..." I whispered to myself

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