Chapter 82: We had a Plan B!?

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.   

No One's POV 

"Status!" Ironwood shouted While holding on to the railing 

"We've lost 3 ally airships General and 60 percent of our support aircraft." Haruna told him 

"That Cannon is decimating our fleet..." He looked towards Kongou's Airship.

"Sir, we got word that the Grimm are retreating from the Battlefield!" A soldier shouted 

"What!?" Ironwood looked shock

"Godzilla was also spotted in the battlefield fighting the Fox!" The same soldier added 

"Call all aircraft to focus on the enemy airship now!" Ironwood ordered 

"Yes sir!" 

"Haruna do you have any idea how to fight against Kongou's cannon?" Ironwood turned to her 

"There is one, that was used against me and Kirishima..." 


"Someone got any Water!?" A medic shouted while many doctors, nurses and Medical soldiers were helping injured Huntsmen and Soldiers.

Joshua and the group came out of the Bullhead, catching everyone's attention Glynda noticed the group while she stood beside the unconscious Ruby.

Joshua looked all around the courtyard filled with medical tents and injured people, he looked at the ground until Yang held his hand, he turned to her and she gave a warming smile.

"Come on we need to take Moises somewhere to rest." Yang told him 

"Yeah..." Joshua carried Moises on his back towards the Academy.

He passed multiple injured men and women seeing them covered in bandages which were covered in blood, some had missing limbs. 

'This was not suppose to happen...' Joshua thought 

"Hey!" Joshua heard someone call him he turned to see the same group of Huntsmen who he saved from the Goliath walking towards him with bandages.

"You didn't let us thank you for saving our asses." The leader walked up with a grin

"Sorry about that..." Joshua tried to avoid eye contact.

"It's okay, you were busy helping the rest but if it weren't for you we probably be dead same goes for the rest of us here." The huntsmen pointed towards other groups behind him.

Joshua looked behind the man seeing the rest seeing them wave and smile at him, Joshua gave a weak smile and waved while his other arm held Moises.

"All of us wanted to thank Godzilla for saving us!" A women spoke up beside the leader.

"Yeah, I guess the higher ups were wrong about you Big Guy!" Another shouted

Joshua smiled at the group and turned to Yang who was beside him smiling as well.

"Thanks.... But the battle isn't over so be careful everyone." Joshua said then walked away from the group.

After finding a makeshift bed he placed Moises gently.

"Thank you for protecting everyone while I was gone..." Joshua said smiling at Moises, he stood up and looked around seeing the rest missing.

"Where did everyone go?" He turned to Yang 

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