Chapter 90: See you guys later...

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.   

Joshua's POV 

A week has passed since the incident on Vale right now I've been hanging around in Patch with  Albert, Velvet, Moises, Ruby, Weiss, Neptune, Oscar, Qrow, Tai, Nora, Ren, Pyrrha, Jaune, Haruna, Kirishima, Zwei, and my Beautiful and destructive Yang. Blake and Sun left to Menagarie to invite her family and maybe all the residence from that island to the wedding since this is going to be the biggest celebration of my life I even invited little Trevor and his family from the Clothing store when Yang and I went on a date. 

*Smack!!* *Boom!!* 

A large dust cloud erupted in and open field of Patch.

"To fast for you Boys!" Moises shouted while smirking, the smoke cloud cleared revealing Joshua with a grin he quickly dashed towards Moi.

Joshua went for a quick jab making Moises drop his kunai and flash only to be met with another punch sending him rolling on the ground.

"That won't work on me again Moi." Joshua smirked then a stream of light wrapped around his waist and hurled towards Moises.

"Oh crap!" Moises flashed away barely avoiding Joshua's body, Moises turned to where the light came from and saw Albert with his helmet on he had two streams of light on both his side swaying side by side like snakes.

"Don't forget about me." Albert spoke, Joshua stood up from the ground wiping the dirt from his face grinning showing his sharp teeth.

The three stood opposite from each other smirking.

"Just like Super Smash bros..." Joshua spoke

"Only this time I win." 

"Ha! Keep dreaming!" Albert taunted 

The three were about to charge at one another until they heard Tai spoke out.

"Alright that's enough you kids don't want to lose the entire island." He joked 

The three sighed and deactivated their abilities and smiled at one another.

"Next time I'll win." Moises smirked spinning his kunai with his fingers making the two scoff at him.

The three headed towards Tai until Joshua felt another pulse in his body making him gasp he fell on his knee breathing heavily.

The other three noticed this and quickly ran to his side.

"Josh! What's wrong!?" Albert shouted worriedly 


"Kid Breathe!" Tai spoke out.

Joshua gasp for hair while clutching his chest.

'Come to me in 7 days...' 


'Where!' Joshua mentally shouted in pain.

'You'll see soon enough.' 

The voice disappeared letting Joshua breathe the other three looked at the teen worriedly.

"The hell happened Josh?" Moises asked 

"Another.....Godzilla....Spoke.....To...Me." Joshua spoke between breaths.

"Another one?" Albert asked, Joshua finally breathed normally.

"Yeah, he said to see him in 7 days..." Joshua told them, the three looked at one another.

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