Chapter 27 New players

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   Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.   

Salem's POV 

I've received news of Cinder's capture, and I am not happy.

"Emerald..." I called her through the Seer 

"Yes master?" 

"Return back to the castle immediately." I told her while holding my anger 

"Y-Yes master." The transmission ended 


"AAARRRGH!" I destroyed the Seer after the call.

"...Useless!" I yelled in anger

"Now, now Mi'lady that isn't how a Queen should act." I heard I voice behind me

"How did you get here?" I asked with a threatening voice

"I have my ways." The voice responded 

"Show yourself!" I yelled 

"As you wish..." He responded 

Through the corner of the room a man appeared with a black and white suit with a cocky grin plastered in his face.

"Who are you?" I demanded 

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me." He responded 

"Try me." I shot back

"I have many names people call me the Great one, The creator, Everything In the universe, or even Truth, But my favorite is God." He said to me 

"You...a God? Don't make me laugh" I told him

He snapped his fingers then next thing happen I felt warm and light I looked at my hands seeing them crumble into pieces.

"What is this!?" I demanded

"I'm erasing you from existence Salem, no one will remember you, You'll cease to exist." He told me 

More of body began to crumble I looked around seeing my castle crumble as well.

"Now then little one do you believe or should I let you disappear from existence?" He looked at me with smile

"Alright! Alright! I believe you!" I panicked 


Next thing I know everything went back to normal.

"Good! Lets get down to business." He sat on my chair 

"Why are you here?" I asked him

"Well I have a proposition my dear Salem." 

"What is it?"

"I've been watching your little war with the Ozpin long enough and I'm going to be honest It's gotten boring." He snapped his fingers making a bag of popcorn appear in his hands.

"So I want to make this War a little bit more exciting." He took a handful of popcorn and ate it

"Exciting?" I questioned 

"Yes! not so long ago I brought three individuals to Remnant to do that." 

"Two of them are sided with Ozpin which is why Cinder fell." He told me

I looked at him in shock then immediately shook it off 

"And after that I felt that the Humanity has to much of an advantage which make them win the war easily and I think that's going to make things less interesting, So I had an Idea!" He stood up throwing his bag of popcorn to the floor

I looked at him confused and he began to walk towards me 

"I'm going to give you a hand on your little problem." He told me

"Why?" I asked him

"Were you not listening because it will get boring if the good guys just win easily with out a problem, I want to be surprised I want to see drama, violence, action, romance, and death!" He yelled 

"So are you gonna accept my offer or not?" He stretch out his hand to me for a hand shake

I looked at his hand then back to him

"I agree." I shook his hand 

Right when I shook his hand visions immediately invaded my mind.

A man blue skinned man with a hammer,

I golden three headed dragon fighting the atlas fleet,

Ozpin with a unconscious Cinder,

And Vale and Beacon in flames,

After we shook hands I looked at him in panic and confusion

"What did you do to me?" I asked him

"I showed you my plan." He told me

'So that where they're keeping Cinder.' I smiled 

"Now then.." He spoke up again getting me out of my thoughts 

"I would like you to meet your new friend!" He snapped his finger 

I then saw the Blue skinned man from my visions 

"Meet Ronan the Accuser!" He announced 

(I'm using the Comic book version of Ronan to make him powerful but his appearance is still the same as the movies.) 

The man looked powerful and honorable with a hammer on his right hand. He had armor and gauntlets on each arm.

"Where do we begin?" He said with a deep voice which echo through the room.

King Ghidorah's POV

It's been few days now since I fought Godzilla, lucky bastard got a lucky  hit on me while I was distracted but now I have his scent and I'm going to get payback.

"Young man do you need help?" I heard voice a few feet away from me in my left

I turn to see two human males looking at me worried.

'Tch. Humans.' I stood up 

"Why are you here in the forest alone fill with Grimm? there's a village to the east like 4 miles away you should head there for safety." one of the humans told me

"I was just having fun to with the weak beasts but thank you for the information." I grinned 

Both humans looked at me confused then looked at each other 

"Maybe I should repay you for helping me." My teeth sharpen and began to grow scales.

"Are you a faunus?" One of them asked 

"No, I'm....." I responded with a deeper voice scaring them

"King Ghidorah." I dashed towards them shoving both my claws at both their stomach.

All I heard were them drowning in their blood with eyes widened in shock.

"Now I should pay a visit to that village and then....Godzilla." I said while retracting my claws from the dead bodies of the humans.

"Be ready Godzilla!" I roared walking towards the scent of civilization.

Chapter End

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