Chapter 18

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you. 

 Joshua's POV

After the incident with the two paladins Me and Albert took the white fang soldier to Ozpin which then we left him alone. We never saw that guy again. It has been days now right now Pyrrha just finished beating Team CRDL in combat class I thought the fight looked good in 3D animation but seeing it in person looked amazing. 


"oooooo" me and Albert winced watching Cardin getting hit by Pyrrha's weapon

"And that is the Match!" Glynda announces 

"Well done Miss Nikos. You should have no problems qualifying for the tournament." she tells Pyrrha

"Thank you, Professor." Pyrrha smiles and nods 

"Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow but we have time for one more sparring match, any volunteers?" She turns to the rest of the students which they respond by looking away and coughing.

She turns to Blake who is reading a book.

"Miss Belladonna." she calls her out making Blake look up quickly closing her book

"You've been rather docile for the past few classes, why don't you -" before she finishes she was interrupted by Mercury.

"I'll do it" Mercury raises his hand

I notice Prof. Goodwitch tighten her grip on her scroll but relaxes. 

"Mercury is it." she fixes her glasses 

"Very well, lets find you and opponent." she looks at her scroll 

I knew what he plans to do so I decided to be his opponent 


"I'll fight him." I rose my hand interrupting him.

I saw him and Emerald turn to me surprised

"Alright then you two come down to begin your fight." she tells while tapping on her scroll.

I nudge Albert to get his attention.

"Keep an eye on Emerald for me don't want her to mess with my head." I whispered to his ear

"I gotchu homie." he responds with a Mexican accent.

"Good luck Joshua!" Ruby yells while waving

"Yeah!" Yang also yells 

Weiss just scoffs I still do know why she hates me.

"What Ruby said." she finally said 

Blake is still reading her books I notice the bag under her eyes

I just shook my towards Blake I turn to rest of them with a smile.

"We (Last name) make our own luck" I smirked I heard Albert scoffed knowing where I got the line

I walked down to meet with Mercury who looked annoyed with both of his hands in his pockets.

"You ready big guy?" he asks me 

"Sure I guess." I shrugged looking bored trying to get him mad

"You better be-" he takes out his hands out of his pocket getting to a stance 

"-Or you gonna get hurt." he lets out a aura of killing intent trying to scare me but kinda surprised me 

'Oooh this human boy has killed before.' Godzilla states 

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