Chapter 80: Battle in the North Part 10: The King's Return

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Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.      

Atlas Academy - No One's POV

"Holy crap no wonder those mountains were cut in half." Joshua muttered looking at the mountain range.

"What are we going to do?" Oscar spoke up, Joshua looked at every single one of them.

"I'm going to Moises you three take Yang and Ruby to the Academy then go help the others with Ghidorah." Joshua told them, he then looked down towards Yang who was still hugging him.


"No." She said

"Yang your aura is to low it won't eve protect you from anything so you need to rest." Joshua told her

"I'm not leaving you out of my sight again." She tighten her grip around Joshua

*Sigh* "Please Yang, just wait a little longer I'll be back before you know it." He raised her chin to make her look at him in the eyes.

"And for now on I won't leave you again also I'll do whatever you want for a week." He smiled 

"2 weeks..." Yang smiled weakly


'I might regret this...' Joshua sweat dropped 

The stared at one another until they heard a large explosion from the distance. Yang wrapped her fingers with Joshua's.

"Come back to me safely My King." Yang kissed Joshua on the lips

"I will....My Queen." Joshua smirked then stood up 

"You guys be careful understood." Joshua stared at the others who nodded with smiles.

He turned to Yang who looked at him worriedly tighten her grip on his hand, he placed his other hand over hers and smiled.

"Kick their asses." Yang told him

"Was planning on it." He smirked, then both released their hands and Joshua ran off the explosions.

"Ruby!" The teens heard a familiar voice behind them all three of them turned to see Glynda Good Witch coming out from the tree line.

"Professor?" Velvet spoke

"Children!" Glynda ran towards them

"What happened?" She check on Ruby

"Joshua..." Yang spoke up smiling

"Joshua?" Glynda raised a brow at the younger blonde.


Joshua ran through the forest killing Grimm while heading towards the fighting his body slowly began to change into his Human-kaiju form.

"Goliath!!!" A Huntsman pointed towards the charging Goliath the group of Huntsmen readied their weapons waiting for the large Grimm until they saw someone stood in between them and the Grimm.

"Hey get out of the way!" One of the huntsmen shouted 

"You trying to get yourself ki-

Joshua then charged forward towards the Grimm and both slammed into one another only for the Goliath to be over powered by Joshua.

"Well Damn." The group of Huntsmen had their jaws dropped on the floor.

"HAAAA!" Joshua grabbed the Grimm's trunk and flipped over him and slammed the Grimm to the ground. He then jumped on top of the Grimm and placed his right foot over the back of the neck then crushed it killing the Grimm.

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