Chapter 21 The Monster inside

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.   

3rd POV 

King Ghidorah looks towards the King of Kaiju who staring back with his fiery eyes. 

"Ghidorah." The human Kaiju spoke his voice sounded like two different beings.

"You finally show yourself." Ghidorah responded grinning like a madman 

The human Kaiju doesn't respond he only looks at his hands and body.

'So we're one.

'This body feels weak and small than my original but still enough to destroy armies'

The human looks back at his opponent and smiles 

"I'm going to have fun beating you again Ghidorah." he told his opponent

The three headed Kaiju glared at his opponent

"IT'S KING GHIDORAH TO YOU WEAKLING!" He roared revealing his wings  and dashed towards his opponent at great speed 

Godzilla only stood there waiting for his opponent gotten into a stance putting up his claws ready to stop Ghidorah


Ghidorah grabbed Godzilla by the neck and took him to the sky while they are mid air Godzilla gave the golden kaiju a punch to the gut freeing him from Ghidorah's grip 

Right when he was freed Godzilla grabbed Ghidorahs right leg taking him down with him.

While they're falling Godzilla put Ghidorah under him and proceeded to punch him while they're getting closer and closer to the ground.

The golden Kaiju began to claw on Godzilla's face trying to free himself but Godzilla kept on shaking it off and kept on punching.


Both kaiju hit the ground creating a large pillar of dirt, rock, and broken pieces of trees.

When the dust cleared it revealed a large crater in the middle showing Godzilla standing on top of Ghidorah his foot planted on Ghidorah's throat keeping him pinned.

Godzilla then took a large breath of air his hair began to glow light blue before he blasted Ghidorah, the golden Kaiju shot Godzilla with his lightning breath on Godzilla's chest blasting him back.

Ghidorah stood up rubbing his neck where Godzilla's foot stood on.

"That hurt you piece of shit." he growled at his rival

Godzilla then stood back up revealing his entire coat and shirt destroyed from the blast only leaving his upper body exposed.

His scales covered his entire upper body looking like armor all the way to the neck.

Godzilla only stood there looking at his rival with his fiery eyes.

Both opponents stood there in silence 

Until they heard a twig snap both Kaiju used their breath attack at the same time.


Albert's POV

I heard more and more howls in the distance some were getting closer. I turn to the villagers some had weapons ready to protect their friends and family.

The ground then began to shake in the distance I could here the stampede of Grimm getting closer and closer.

I look up to the tree line I noticed the birds flying up from the trees trying to avoid the coming Grimm.

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