Chapter 86: The Story Behind the Silver Eye Warriors

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.   

Albert's POV 

"And we are done!" The Nurse smiled towards 

"Thank you Nurse." I smiled putting back my T-shirt with my left hand.

"Here let me help you with that." She walked up to me and helped put on the right side of my shirt.

"Thank you again Nurse." I smiled thankfully

"No problem, now if you'll excuse me I have to help the other injured huntsmen." She smiled then left the room.

Once the door closed I sighed and looked down on the stub where my right arm used to be.

"This definitely feels weird..." I muttered I then walked out of the room and headed to the infirmary room Ruby was resting on. Once I opened the door I saw Ruby barely getting of the bed surprising me.

"Woah, Woah! Ruby did you just woke up?" I walked up to her 

"Y-yeah where am I?" she looked around seeing the room.

"You're in the infirmary you've been out for two days." I told her 

"Two days?" She questioned then her eyes widen.

"The battle! Joshua! Yang! Where are they!?" She stood up quickly looking around 

"Calm down Ruby the battle is over we won... Joshua and Yang are alright they're in Vale at the moment they'll be back in a few days." I assured her 

She stopped looking around then looked at me nodding, she then noticed my stub making her gasp.

"Your arm!?" She said worriedly 

"Yeah, I know but don't worry they'll fix it up later." I smiled 

"I'm going to get the nurse you stay here and rest try to rest, okay?" I smiled 

"O-okay..." She nodded and laid back on the bed.

I left the room and found a nurse telling her that Ruby has woken up, after telling the nurse I called Qrow through the Scroll.

"What's up Kid." Qrow answered 

"Ruby just woke up." I said bluntly 


"On my way." Qrow responded then hanged up.

"Albert!" I heard a voice call me I turned to see Velvet walking towards me making me smile.

"I just finished the last check up." I hugged her 

"That's good." She hugged me back 

"Also Ruby just woke up the Nurse is checking on her right now." I told her

"Really we should go check on her and tell the others!" She smiled 

"I already told Qrow but we should let Ruby get comfortable she just woke up thinking we were still fighting." I told her

"Come on, at least say hi to Ruby." I told her which she nodded with a smile.

Once we entered Ruby's room she was being check on by the Nurse while the Doctor asked her questions.

"That would be all for now Miss Rose please rest for now." The doctor smiled 

"Could I have a cookie?" Ruby asked, making me and Velvet chuckle at her.

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