Chapter 51 Battle In the Islands

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     Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.      

No One's POV 


A large explosion appeared on the side of the mountain creating a large dust cloud then from the dust cloud Joshua and Yang jump and got into their fighting stances.

"He's a walking tank!" Yang yelled while she reloads her Gauntlets 

*Huff* "Superman just gain some much more respect from me." Joshua panted 

*Bang* *Bang* Ruby came out of the smoke shooting back towards the smoke.

She landed right beside the two then transformed her weapon back into a Scythe 

"Bullets doesn't work on that thing!" She told them

*ROAR!* They heard a roar then Jaune was send flying out of the smoke and landed right in front of the three.

"Ow." Jaune groaned 

"You okay there vomit boy?" Yang grinned 

"You still on with that nickname?" He stood up

"Ha!" Pyrrha jumped out next with her sword and shield in both hands.

The smoked cleared revealing Doomsday surrounded by Qrow, Oscar, Ren and Nora, shooting or taking turns attacking with their weapons.

"Well time to get back to work!" Joshua charged right back into the fight

Joshua jumped and gave Doomsday a absorb haymaker making Doomsday face the ground then gave the creature's jaw a high kick now making the Doomsday face the sky.

While Doomsday's chest was exposed while he's stun Yang launched her self giving the monster a straight punch on the chest she also used her shotguns rounds to add damage.

The attack launched Doomsday back towards a rock destroying it.

"KEEP HITTING IT!" Joshua yelled 

Everyone with a fire arm fired at the monster while it stood up, Doomsday covered it's face from the bullets. Which Joshua took the advantage and charged at the monster.

Joshua jumped forward then spun to the right smacking Doomsday with his tail then ending it with a high kick. Joshua was about to keep going until Doomsday stopped his fist shocking Joshua.

'Shit.' Joshua cursed then was given a punch in the face stunning him.

Doomsday didn't let go of Joshua's fist and kept punching Joshua in the face while he was stunned.

"Joshua!" Yang yelled 

She immediately took action trying to stop Doomsday but the monster threw Joshua towards Yang launching them back.

The others took their stances and began to fire their weapons.

*ROAR!* Doomsday charged at the group.


Kongou stared at the battle on the beach with a expressionless face while her ship fired at The Milano.

"Such annoyance." She muttered turned to the flying space craft


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