Chapter 63: That was only a Warm up....

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.   

No One's POV Grimm lands

Qrow and Winter both fought the Madara Uchiha at great speed, the clash of their weapons was heard throughout the Cliff.

"Ha!" Winter brought down her sword towards Madara who shifted to the left avoiding the blade then kicked her on the side launching her a few feet. His eyes turned to the right then he ducked dodging Qrow's blade behind him, He then swept his feet with his right leg dropping him.

"Amateurs.." Madara kicked Qrow on the stomach making him crash on the side of a rock wall.

Both Huntsmen and Specialist stood up panting slightly and readied their weapons, Madara still with a hard expression not looking tired at all.


Both Branwen and Schnee looked at each other and nodded, Qrow transformed his blade to his scythe while Winter took out her second blade while a white glyph appeared behind her.

"Oh, so you've been holding back this whole time...." He tighten his grip 

"So you've underestimating me this whole time...."

"I'll make you regret that you brats." He said in a dark tone making the two tense.


"RRAAGH!" Yang through a flurry of punches towards Madara who was dodging every singel one of them then he caught her fist and gave her a kick on the stomach launching her back. He readied a kunai on his right arm and was about to throw it until a rope wrapped around him stopping him. 

He look over his left shoulder turning to Blake holding the rope back, Madara then added more strength and pulled Blake towards him, her eyes widen but then she jumped over him avoiding a kick she aimed her weapon which is now in firearm mode while her bow was still tied to his arm, before she pulled the trigger Madara used his kunai cutting the bow freeing himself.

Once she fired he jumped back avoiding the bullets, Blake landed beside Yang who was clutching her stomach.

"Yang you alright?" Blake not taking her eyes from the Uchiha

"Yeah..." Yang looked up to Madara with anger.

"HA!" Ruby went for a slash behind him only for him to jump over making her miss, she stopped beside her sister and friend

"Do you miss your love one?" Madara asked looking straight towards Yang

"Yang don't listen to him." Blake told the blonde

"He does.....he's been crying your name for the past few days...." He smirked 

Yang tighten her fist 

"Shut up..."

"You should hear him scream your name, when they stab him, shock, and beat him until he's unconscious..." He kept adding 

Ruby gripped her weapon tighter while shaking,

'I wouldn't leave my little sis and the people I care about.' Joshua voice echoed in Ruby's head

'I'll always be beside you, even if you don't want to...' Joshua voice echoed in Yang's voice

She gritted her teeth, and stared at the uchiha in anger her eyes turned red.

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