Chapter 36 The Price we're willing to take

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   Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.   

Albert's POV 

"Penny! GET OUT OF THERE!" I heard Joshua yell while I jumped off to the stage to fight Ronan.

"HAHAHAHA!" Ronan laughter echo in my mind 

"PENNY!" I yelled trying to reach then everything went black.

Then I saw Penny's destroyed body laying in the floor.

"I'm so sorry..." I began to cry

"You....promised." I heard her voice 

"I'm sorry!" I looked at her body 

"Why!" Her head turns to me.



Velvet's POV 

While everyone rests in the living room or Yang's room I was on the porch looking at the trees.

My team left to help rebuilding the City, Coco told me to stay with Albert so I stayed here waiting for him to wake up.

I began to here noises on the house I looked up at a window where the noise it was coming from.

It was the room where Albert and Joshua were resting at.

"I'm SORRY!" I heard a scream

"Oh no." I muttered 

I ran off inside to check on whoever was screaming 

I went up the stairs passing Yang's room I saw her door open up revealing Yang 

"What's going on!?" She asked me worried 

"One of them is having a attack." She I told her 

Everyone in the room looked worried we all left to the room.

We entered and saw Albert screaming while he stretched his hand to the air trying to reach out for something

"I'm sorry!" 

"I...couldn't save you!" 

"Penny!" He yelled gripping on his sheet

My heart began to break more and more watching him suffer.

I quickly ran to his side holding him down 

"Albert it's me everything is going to be okay." I tried to calm him down

I saw him begin to cry.

"I'm sorry for being to slow..." He said 

Everyone looked worried 

"Velvet..." He said my name

"I don't want to lose you too." He said while crying 

"I'm right here." I caressed his cheek

He slowly opens his eyes and stood up straight breathing heavily and sweating 

*Pant* "Where... Am I?" He asked scanning the entire room

"This room..." He said his breathing slowed down

"You're in  our home in Patch." Yang told him 

"Oh.." He sighed 

"How long was I out?" He asked us 

"Like four days." Blake answered 

"Thank god.." He whispered  

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