Chapter 61: On The Move

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

Joshua's POV 

"RRRRAAAAGGGHH!" The seer stabbed another of it's bladed tentacles on my body avoiding any organs trying to avoid killing me.

"So, do you surrender to me..... or do you want to keep going..." Salem raised my chin with her pale index finger.

*Cough* "F-fuck .....Y-you..." I responded with a weak grin making her scowl she then gave me a slap clawing her nails on my left cheeks I began to bleed.

"So be it....when I'm done with you, you'll end up like that dragon.." She said then the seer floated right up to me

'Dragon?' I thought but then the seer stabbed me again making me yell in pain

'Come on Joshua....' I thought to myself

'Don't give up.... you gotta get back to her again.'

'You made a promise so keep it.' I closed my eyes and waited for the pain.


Moises POV 

After Albert left with his group to scout the Grimm lands me and the rest went to this academy's combat classroom to test out my abilities and theirs.

"So tell me Kirishima why are you still using that teddy bear as our body?" I asked the teddy bear 

"T-that's none of your business human!" The teddy bear shouted at me making me chuckle 

"Alright, alright calm down." I responded 

I see the redheaded spartan and the white hair girl talk to one another while the two blonde boys talk beside them. Haruna was walking beside me staying silent, I couldn't believe Haruna, Kirishima and Kongou are here in this world! Really shocked me.

"We're here." the girl name Weiss called she opened a door which to a large classroom, I noticed the fighting stage in the middle of the room.

I whistled at the size of the room, I turned to see the group reading themselves holding their weapons out.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Sun asked everyone 

"Well for it doesn't matter who goes first." I responded with a smile

"Then we should put Pyrrha vs Moises." Nora announced 

"I would like to fight Moises to see his abilities." Pyrrha smiled almost motherly 

"Sure." I responded with a grin

"We have to warn you Pyrrha is the best in combat then all of us." Jaune warned me

"Thanks for the warning bro." I smiled then walked up to the stage

Both Pyrrha stood on different sides of the stage, Weiss stood in between the two of us with her hand up.

"On my mark!" She announced Both me and Pyrrha gotten into our fighting stances.

'Time to test out my powers...' I thought and readied my thunder god kunais 

"Fight!" Weiss shouted then jumped back.

Pyrrha quickly dashed to me but I jumped to the air and threw multiple thunder god kunai around the stage confusing her but she eye the kunai carefully knowing never to letting your guard down. I landed perfectly on my feet and turned to Pyrrha. I took out two more kunais on each of my hands. 

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