Chapter 70: The Darkness Arrives on the North

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

Schnee Manor - No One's POV 

Every guest looked at the teens with wide eyes, while Weiss had a bright smile seeing them.

"What is the meaning of this!? Who are you people!?" Jacques Schnee walked up in anger at the teens.

"Oh, I'm Starlord and these are my band of misfits Red riding hood..." Albert pointed to Ruby who smiled nervously

"Thor..." Albert pointed to the Nora who smirked evilly scaring the group

"And Curious George." Albert pointed at Sun who smiled 

"We are here to save Snow White!" Albert announced a big grin in his face under his helmet.

"Snow White?" Jacques looked confused until Weiss ran pass him and hugged Ruby who hugged back.

"What are you guys doing here?" Weiss looked at Ruby

"We came to save you Weiss!" 


"Cause you're my best friend silly." Ruby smiled making Weiss's eyes widen

Whitley walked up confused he noticed Albert standing in between both groups and smiled, Albert noticed the boy and frowned behind his helmet.

"What are you looking at spoil brat?" Albert said shocking the boy.

"I'm Whitley Schnee son of-"

"Ah, Ah I didn't ask your name kid I don't like you." Albert said shocking the boy.

"I don't like people who only care for themselves..." Albert turned to Jacques and the guests

"Guards! Stop them!" Jacques shouted 

Multiple Guards charged at the teens, Albert took his blasters, Sun readied his staff, Nora changed her grenade launcher into her hammer, Ruby step in front of Weiss away from the guards.

"I never thought rich parties could be this fun!" Albert laughed 

"Me neither!" Sun smirked and charged at the Guards, with Nora and Albert following behind.

The guest began to run away from the fighting Guards were send across the ballroom crashing into walls, windows and tables, but more and more kept replacing them.

'The hell are they coming from!?' Albert sweat dropped seeing more and more of them coming out, he shot a guard behind him without even looking.

Weiss watched the entire party go into chaos seeing her friends fighting for her, made so happy she shook her head and then summoned a Boarbatusk and charged towards the groups launching guards to the air.

"Weiss Stopped this nonsense at once!" Her father shouted 

"Sorry, Father...but I have decided to follow my friends and save the world." Weiss smirked, Ruby smiled at her friend.

"Now then..." Albert kicked a guard in the chest 

"...Time to go we got more important matters to focus on!" Albert shouted 

"Right!" The rest agreed 

Albert turned to Jacques Schnee and smirked behind his helmet, he raised his hand holding a small ball.

"NINJA VANISH!" Albert shouted and threw the ball to the ground making a large smoke cloud covering half the room.

"WEISS! COMEBA-" Jacques shouted only to be interrupted by a banana peel landing on his face.

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