Chapter 3 Trust

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Disclaimer! I do NOT own Rwby, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy they are all own by their respective owner, Thank you reading my Story and Have fun!

Joshua's POV 

After Albert and I helped out the transport vehicle from the Lancer Grimm we brought the Passengers and the pilot to the City of Vale Thanks to the pilots directional help we arrived to our destination and to put the icing on the cake we met the two people we were looking for, well actually they found us...

Headmaster's Office 4:36 pm :

Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch have been staring at us for like 10 mins now. Are they examining us or do they want us to say something? I feel so puny around them even though I got Godzilla's powers but Jesus Christ! Their stares are going to kill me.

Joshua: So...Ummm *looks around to avoid eye contact with the two Huntsmen*

Albert: Going to be real honest I didn't think you guys were looking for us... Especially since we Barely arrived to vale. *Look at both huntsmen for an answer*

 Ozpin: *Sips coffee still looking at both world travelers* where do you two come from?

Joshua: *Clears throat* well no where around here that's for sure...

Professor Goodwitch: *Slams riding crop on the table* ANSWER THE QUESTION!

Joshua Thoughts: A LA CHINGADA MADRE! *Flinches away from the table*

Albert: If you want the honest truth miss Good....

Professor Goodwitch: It is Professor Goodwitch to you young man.

Albert Thoughts: *Raises and eyebrow* This bitch...

Albert: Okaayy Professor Goodwitch, If you want the honest truth you wouldn't believe us anyway.

Ozpin: *looks at Albert* Try us.

Joshua/Albert: *we Look at each other*

Joshua/Albert: We used to live outside the Kingdoms.

Ozpin: *Raises an Eyebrow* I see... so where did you get the ship then?

Joshua: We both built it ourselves sir.

Ozpin: I see.... so What is your purpose in Vale or Beacon Academy?

Albert: Wait, how do you know we had business in Beacon?

Ozpin: *Looks at scroll* Well the Police reports say that you told one of the passengers that and I quote "Going to join Beacon Academy"

Albert: Oh. *Sweat drops* *Looks at me*

Joshua: * I Clear my throat* Yes, sir we do want to join the academy. *I then Look at ozpin*

Ozpin: hmm *Sips coffee mug* You do know that the Academies's Initiation passed two days ago.

Joshua thoughts: Alright cool, so we made it during volume 1 we still have time to change things. *I then look up to Ozpin* Yes sir, we tried to arrive here 3 days ago but we got....lost.

Ozpin: I see, then why should I let attend here anyways. *Looks at both me and Albert*

Albert thoughts: Here goes nothing

Albert: We want to help you with your.....*Looks at me then back at ozpin* Seasonal problem.

After Albert said that the atmosphere suddenly got intense I saw both Ozpin and Glynda widen their eyes then back to normal and they also tighten their grip on their weapons. Which really making me nervous now.

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