Chapter 4 Brawl

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Disclaimer! I do NOT own the  rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.

Just a heads up I'm going to tell you guys the changes of writing down below.

"Character Speaking" 

(language) I will add the language next to the character's name when they speaking just to let the readers know when they're speaking another language.

*Sound effects* Such as explosions, gunshots, and roars


Thank you guys for reading and I hope you guys like the chapter!


Joshua's POV, Dorm room

Joshua: I open my eyes due to the sunlight hitting my face.

Joshua: "Fuck me I want to sleep for another hour" I complained while sitting up from my bed.

Albert: *Groan* "Shut up Josh I'm trying to get some beauty sleep here" 

Joshua: "Like you're even beautiful in the first place" I replied back

I began to get out of bed then walk like a zombie towards the bathroom and looked at the mirror which I saw my hair was all over the place and my eyes barely open.

Joshua: "God I look like Goku" I then turn on the sink to wash my face, Then looked back up to the mirror.

Joshua: 'I should take a shower don't want to have Yang fight while I smell like garbage'

I took off my clothes then remembered something.

Joshua: 'I don't have extra clothes with me to change gotta go to the ship and get some' I thought to myself

I got out of the bathroom then went to dorm room to get some new clothes

Joshua: "Yo! Albert I'm going to the ship and grab some clothes want me to bring yours too?" I told him while opening the door.

Albert: Picks his head up from the pillow to look at me "Yes please" he replies then goes back down on his pillow

Joshua: "Alright Be right back" I told him closing the door.

Before I made a step I grabbed the scroll Professor Ozpin gave off yesterday and texted him

Joshua/Ozpin's Texts

Joshua: "Professor Ozpin."

Few seconds passed 

Ozpin: "Yes, how can I help you Mr. (Last Name)?"

Joshua: "Oh, sorry for the trouble sir I'm just giving you a heads up that I'm going to my ship to grab some clothes for me and Albert, Is that okay?"

Ozpin: "Of course Mr. (Last name) you can, you don't have to tell me."

Joshua: "Oh sorry for bothering you then Sir I just wanted to let you know."

Few seconds passed

Ozpin: "That's alright young man you can also go to the cafeteria to grab something to eat if you want.

Joshua: "Thank you sir, I greatly appreciate it."

Ozpin: "Of course, now then If you'll excuse me I have a school to run"

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