Chapter 88: A Talk with a Angry Fox

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      Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.   


Just a Heads up people, I'm going to end this book in a few chapters and begin the sequel also just a heads up I'm going to take a two week break. While the two week is happening I'm going to be planning on the future of the Story so if you have any Ideas I could use to add in the next book I'm all ears, But also remember gentlemen the Ideas may not end up in the story since I have also have plans for the future of the story. 

Atlas Academy - 5 Days after the Battle 

Albert was hanging out in the library both his feet were on top of the table while he leaned back on his chair, he was looking through his scroll checking on Social media back on earth.

'Damn Avicii Died......May he rest in peace' Albert closed his eyes in respect for a few seconds and went back to looking through the scroll

'Oh yeah God of War 4 came out a few weeks ago..' 

'...Man earth is getting pretty crazy for the passed year...' Albert Sweat dropped and sighed

"Albert!" He heard a voice call out to him, he turned to see Velvet running towards him.

"What's wrong Rabbit?" He smiled at her.

"They're done with your new arm." She smiled and grabbed his left hand and dragged him out of the library.


Atlas Academy Infirmary 

Velvet entered the room with Albert behind her, the two were greeted by Kirishima, Haruna, Ironwood, and woman who looked oddly familiar to Albert.

"Took you long enough." Kirishima huffed 

"Sorry was catching up to the news in my world." Albert smiled nervously.

"So I heard you guys finished my new arm." He looked at the metal suit case on the table.

"Yes we are, we've used the most advanced materials, scientist, engineers with the help of Haruna and Kirishima." Ironwood told Albert who opened the suit case revealing a dark grey metal arm.

Albert whistled impressed by the design.

"We've also other attachments!" The unknown woman spoke

'I feel like I've seen her before...' Albert noticed the woman's appearance 

"Oh sorry you might not remember me since it's been a full year since we met each other." The woman bowed. Albert's mind went on overdrive trying to remember anyone he met a year ago.

"Abigail?" Albert questioned

"Abigail Stark! Vehicle Engineer of Atlas!" The woman cheered, making Albert's eyes widen

"Wow I haven't seen you since the day I met Ozpin." Albert smiled seeing the woman

"Yup I heard that you and your friend Joshua were here in the Academy I wanted to see you guys sooner but you know about the battle that was coming up so I had to help on readying up our defenses, but now I've decided to repay you for saving my life a year ago by helping make a new arm!" Abigail smiled 

"I thought you were a vehicle engineer?" 

"Yup, but that didn't stop me from repaying you." She smiled again

"Well, thank you." Albert smiled back.

"While we put on your new arm the surgery may take a few hours." Abigail told him.

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