Chapter 40 Meeting the Suegra

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.     

Joshua's POV 

It's been weeks since Ruby left it is now spring, Yang has gotten stronger during her training, I got more control over my powers, Albert left two days ago to pick up Oscar then meet up with Ruby and the others at Haven Academy. Now it's time to head out to meet Raven and save Weiss if she's there.


"HA!" Yang threw me a punch but I blocked it crossing my arms I was sent back a few feet.

"Holy! Yang you gotten stronger." I shook my arms in pain

She cracked her knuckles and grinned at me.

"Well I have been training." She gotten into a stance 

"Man you're making use 25 percent of my powers, Kinda hot." I told her 

She rolled her eyes at me

She then dashed towards me she began to send punches at me.

I grabbed her left fist with my palm and flipped her over me, I then pinned her arm behind her .

"Oh...I like it rough~" Yang said seductively

I added more strength to her arm making her wince.

"It ain't working on me hot stuff." I told her

"Okay, okay I give." She sighed 

I let go of her arm and fell on my butt, she flipped on her back panting.

"You should be more gentle next time babe~" She said seductively again

I rolled my eyes and laid right next to her 

She then got on top of me with a grin.

"You should treat a girl more gentle~" She leaned closer to my face 

I blushed and looked away seeing her panting, sweating and talking seductively is already making me feel... 

"Hey, hey! eyes on me." She turn my head back to her

"What's wrong? You can't handle me big boy~" She said

"Well you are panting, sweating and talking sexy kinda making me have a ironwood." I joked 

She rolled her eyes at me.

"Still got it." I grinned 

She then leaned and peck my lips.

I heard someone clearing their throats both of us turn to see Taiyang with Zwei sitting on his right wagging his tail.

"Oh hey Dad." Yang got up with a smile 

I stood up right after dusting myself off.

"You guys been training hard." He raised his brow at us.

He threw us our towels.

"It's almost time for you guys to head out" he look sadden after saying it

"Don't worry Dad I'll be okay and Ruby already send us a message that she's almost to Haven with Uncle Qrow." Yang smiled 

"Well I'm not going to see you guys for a while..." He looked down

Yang then hugged her Father he hugged back 

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