Chapter 56: Godzilla's Arrest

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    Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.     

Joshua's POV

It's been a day since we arrived at Atlas Academy and we already made some enemies with some of the Academies bullies. Albert was also being chased by students who found out who he is, good think not many know that I'm a Godzilla. It's 4 in the afternoon classes have finished in the academy so me and Yang are using their combat stage to train.

"Woah there!" I moved to the right dodging a straight punch from Yang, she kept on attacking I began to deflect her attacks with my hands and legs. I noticed her going for a jab at my face so I covered my face with both arms but I didn't feel a punch until I looked down seeing her fist going for a upper cut, she smashed her fist under my guard leaving me wide open. Right after she punched me right on my face making me skid back on the stage.

I caught myself and looked back on Yang seeing her smirking towards me. I wiped my mouthand smirked as well.

"Oh it's on." I said then dashed straight towards her going for a right punch but she bent down avoiding the attack but then I gave her a kick sending her to the air a little. While she was in the air I gave her a left punch sending her to the other side of the stage, she would've fell out of the stage but she used her Gauntlets to launched herself back to me.

We both went for punch but our fist collided with one another creating a large shock wave and the stage floor crack. We stared at one another's eyes, her eyes were now red indicating she's using her semblance. The we both jumped back from one another and gotten into our stances I then noticed Yang's eyes turning back to normal she then fell on one knee and began to pant heavily.

"Oh snap!" I ran up to her.

"You okay there Sunflower." I checked on her

*Pant* "Yeah I'm good just tired." She panted, I sighed in relief 

"Let's stop here." I told her

"I like that idea." She smiled 

"Come on I'll take you back to our room." I told her 

I carried her bridal style and went out of the room, I noticed her blushing in embarrassment making me grin. People were looking at us in jealousy some were whispering, Yang buried her face on my chest making me chuckle.

"Don't mind them Sunflower." I whispered to her then gave a her a kiss on her forehead making her blush even more.

We walked on the hallways and made it back to the room it was empty I placed her on the bed.

"Thanks King." She smiled while caressing my right cheek making me smile.

"I'm going to take a bath while you rest, I'll be right back." I told her 

I left to the bathroom and turned on the shower I waited for the water's temperature to be just right. I readied some clean clothes and a towel right next to the shower when I finished. I took one step on the shower but then felt two arms wrapped around me from behind then I felt something soft in my back.

'Oh no..' My eyes widen

'Damn it I forgot to lock the door....' I cursed 

"I'll never get tired of your muscles King~" She whispered 

"Yang, what are you doing..." I asked her not turning around

"I'm going to take bath..." 

"You should wa-" 

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