Chapter 41 Oscar meets Starlord

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   Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you. 

Albert's POV - A week before Joshua and Yang's arrival.

'Where in the hell is that train station' I shook my head in frustration 

There was a storm going on while I flew around the lands. It has been a few days already I've flown around the world three times.

*Sigh* " I know I'm in the right area now I saw some barns and it's raining just like in the episode." I left the ship hovering over some trees. I got off my seat and went to get a drink.

I came back to the front sipping on the soda drink, I then noticed a movement up ahead with a smoke trail.

"Huh. Well you look at that." I said 

I immediately sat on my seat and went after the train.

30 minutes later The train stopped at a familiar train station.

"Thank God! I'm early." I landed the ship behind some trees out of sight then went to my coat, holstering my Blaster on each hip.

"Can't wait to meet Oscar." I smiled and left the ship.

I sat near the ticket machine waiting for Oscar and Ozpin

I took my Scroll and called Qrow.

"Hello?" He answered 

"Qrow, I found Ozpin where are you?" I asked him

"Just got patched up from the poison already on our way to Haven." He answered 

'He still got poisoned.' I shook my head 

"How is everyone doing?" I asked him

"They're asleep well except Pyrrha and Jauney boy both are training." He told me

I smiled 

"That's good.." I then saw a figure running to the station.

"I'll call you back." I told him

"Sure." He responded then hanged up.

I saw Oscar running to the machine with his backpack over his head blocking off the rain.

He was panting hard from running.

He gave me a glimpse then looked back at the machine.

He took out a card and placed it over the scanner.


*Sigh* "Stupid thing." Oscar said

"I'm assuming whatever weird magic this is doesn't come with infinite supply of money." Oscar said out loud forgetting that I'm here.

"What do you mean I won't need to take the train?" He said

"Behind me?" He turn to me confused 

"Sup." I greeted him

"H-hi." He waved at me

I then saw a figure on my left coming closer 

"Okay." Oscar said out loud then walked right next to me

"Hazal Rainart." I whispered Oscar looked at me worried

He turn to us and nodded.

I nodded back not wanting to give him any hints.

He then left to the train that was stationed up ahead.

After seeing him gone I turn to Oscar.

"So, you're Ozpin's host?" I asked him

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