Chapter 42 Oscar Meets Godzilla

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.   

Joshua's Pov - Mistral

While Me, Yang, Weiss, and Qrow headed to where Ruby and the others are we talked about the things we faced on the road.

"So, Joshua went to take a piss break on the side of the road, so he went deep into the forest not wanting anyone to see, He told me that he was peeing at a bush but then he noticed the bush was moving. So after he finished he checked on the others side and was met by three Goliaths and one of them had there foot covered in urine." Yang began to Laugh Qrow laughing with her

"That is disgusting." Weiss shook her head her face showing disgust 

I just smiled and kept walking forward.

We then arrived at the place, Qrow then proceeded to open the door.

"Ruby!" He called his niece 

"Be right there!" She yelled back from the kitchen 

He then turn to us and Shrugged 

"Uhhh Ruby." He called again

"Coming!" She responded 

We saw her coming out of the kitchen holding a tray of cups and a pot.

"Uncle we didn't know how many people will arrive so we used every ingredient." She looked up then Gasp dropping the tray breaking the cups.

Making me sweat drop

'My mom would kill me If I broke any of the cups like that.' I chuckled 

"Yang! Weiss!" She tackled the two 

"Oof!" Both yelled out while being tackled 

I smiled at the three with my arms crossed 

"I missed you guys so much." She told them 

The both hugged back smiling at her.

I turn to see Jaune, Pyrrha and Nora looking at me with smiles 

"Sup guys." I waved at them 

They walked up to me and hugged me 

"How was your trip?" Pyrrha asked me

"Well.... remind me not to take Yang to the road again." I pointed to her

We all chuckled 

"Good to have you here." Jaune patted my back

I then noticed Albert and Oscar walking inside the living room.

"Oh snap Joshua you're here already?" He looked surprised 

"Yo." I waved at the two

I walked up to Oscar

"Names Joshua (L/N) nice to meet you." I shook his hand

"Oscar Pine." He responded 

"So hows Ozpin treating you?" I asked him 

"Well...." He shook the back of his head nervously

"Yeah, don't worry Oscar you just gotta hold on." I patted his back

I turn to Albert 

"So, how long did it take to find him?" 

"A few days." He shrugged 

"Oooo Yikes." I winced 

We smiled at each other then laughed.

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