Chapter 53 A good way to die...

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   Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.     

Joshua's POV 

I opened my eyes seeing the top bunk bed, I turned to right seeing another bunk Bed which had Albert and Velvet sleeping together in the bottom bed while Ruby slept in the top. I sat up on the side of the bed scanning the entire room I looked at whoever was sleeping on the top bed, seeing Yang sleeping peacefully. I gently held her hand and kissed the back of her hand, I left the room to the Battleships hallway I walked all the way outside.

Hearing the sounds of waves crashing to the ship, The weather was cold but it didn't bother me at all even thought I'm shirtless at the moment. I then heard the metal door open catching my attention I saw Oscar looking like he just woke up from a hangover.

"You okay there Oscar?" I smiled at the boy

"Yeah what happened? Why are we on another ship?" Oscar looked confused while looking around the ship seeing the cannons

"Long story, I'm to lazy to tell it right now." I shrugged 

"So how you feeling mister wizard?" I smirked at Oscar 

"I'm having a really bad Headache right now..." Oscar held his head in pain.

"Is Ozpin back yet?" I asked 

"No I haven't heard him since Haven." Oscar sighed 

I turned to the Ocean seeing the white clouds over our heads.

"Is something in your mind?" Oscar looked at me in concerned 


"Nah, Just daydreaming Oscar don't worry." I gave him a smile 

"Okay then.." Oscar didn't look convinced but didn't keep questioning which I appreciate 

"Ahem." I heard a feminine voice behind us.

We both turned to whoever it was.

"Oh Good morning Haruna, Kirishima." I greeted them

Haruna nodded 

"Morning." The teddy bear greeted 

"You guys need something?" I asked 

"Yeah, we just wanted ask you something." Kirishima stepped forward 

"What are you?" The teddy bear asked 

I turned to Oscar who looked surprised 

"We've scanned everyone's body everyone is human except Albert, Blake, Velvet, and Sun who aren't fully human we already know about the Faunses but what about you and Albert?" Kirishima eyes squinted towards me.

I sighed 

"Well, I'm a Kaiju." I told them 

"Kaiju? You mean those giant Japanese monsters in the movies?" Haruna raised a brow.

"Yeah, well to make this easier to explain who I am...." I looked at both of them

"I'm Godzilla." I smiled 

Both girls looked surprised at me, So I guess Godzilla movies exist in their world.

"Really?" Haruna spoke 

"Yeah, I could prove it to you by transforming but I can't at the moment not until I gather my strength again." I turned to the ocean.

There was an awkward silence between the four of us.

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