Chapter 33 King Of Monsters

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you. 

Joshua's POV

'Fuck my body hurts like a bitch.' I whined trying to move the ship off me

The ground was shaking I hear multiple explosions out side 

'Come on Joshua get up!' I tried to motivate myself 

"COME ON! COME ON!" I slowly raised the metal but it failed back down on my body

"FUCK!" I yelled in frustration

'So you gonna give up?' I heard a familiar voice 

'God?' I called the voice

'Sup.' He responded 

'So, you brought Ronan and Ghidorah to Remnant to make the teams even.' 

'Eh, you guys winning easily would make everything boring and cliche.' I could tell he shrugged 

'So... you gonna let Ghidorah kill those innocent people, and even your friends?' He asked me

'No! I won't let him but I'm not fucking strong enough to move this shit.' I complained 

'That's sad...' 

I looked confused after he said that 

'The King of Monster complaining that he can't lift a single piece of metal.' He said 

'Shut up!' I yelled at him

I began to raise the debris off me 

"ARRRRGH!" I used all my power lifting the entire the ship off me

'Joshua!' I heard voices of my friends 

'Josh fucking get off you lazy fuck!' I heard Albert yell 

'Father!' I heard Jesus call me 

'Papa!' I heard Flor yell

'Joshua! Get up for everyone please! Stand up! For me!' Yang yelled 

'You gonna let them die boy?' God began to speak again

'Are you gonna break that promise you made to the People of Remnant are you gonna break your promise to the woman you love!' He began to raise his voice

"No! No! NOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" My eyes began to glow Light blue 

'They're going to die!' He yelled 

"ARRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed my vision was covered by a blinding light

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No one's POV 

Albert landed his ship on a roof of a building, everybody got off to see the Monster fight the Atlas Fleet they saw the weapons doing nothing to the Dragon.

"They're not even scratching it!" Jaune said out loud 

Everyone watched in horror seeing Ghidorah destroy one of the ships with ease with his lightning breath.

Ruby looked at the monster then towards the crash ship.

'Is Joshua the same as that monster?' She questioned 

Flash Back

"I'm not Human nor Faunus I'm Kaiju but not just any Kaiju.." Joshua smirked 

"I'm known as the King of Kaiju the strongest." He added.

Flash Back End

Ruby took a deep breath.

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