Chapter 9 Back at School

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you. 

Joshua's POV   

It has been four days since the initiation Ozpin introduced Both me and Albert as a two-man team called Guardian which isn't a shocker. The last three days we remembered our class schedule which pretty much the same as Team RWBY's I guess Ozpin wanted us to watch over them in classes. I still help Yang control her anger which is making good progress in such a short time she landed a few hit here and there but she still gets frustrated during spars. For the two blonde children we found out that they don't have any records like date of births or even medical records they even told us that they don't have parents so me and Albert decided to watch over them and letting them stay at our dorm but what still confuses me is that I've never seen them in the show, not even a glimpse it's like they just appeared out of nowhere I'm guess GOD is planning something which is making me and the others worried.

Beacon Academy, Grimm studies 

Joshua: 'By the gods they weren't kidding about Professor Port being boring I thought they were just exaggerating' I thought to myself while having my chin resting on both my palms.


Joshua: I turn to my right and saw Albert already asleep.

Joshua: 'Man it must be really boring making Albert fall asleep before me' I thought

I felt a nudge on my right shoulder and saw Yang with the biggest Grin in her face.

Joshua: 'Oh no' I thought to myself

Joshua: "What?" I whisper to her

Yang: "I hid Albert's folder under my desk don't tell him when he wakes up" she whispers back to me

Joshua: 'Fuck not this again last time I did it to Albert he beat the crap out of Moises back in 11th grade' I began shiver from the memory

Joshua: "I don't think its a good idea Yang" I warned her

Yang: "Don't worry he won't go over board for a folder" she waves it off


Albert: "ugh, is class almost over?" he asks while waking up

Joshua: "Yeah like 5 more minutes" I told him looking at the clock on the wall

Albert: "Hey, Joshua wheres my folder?" He asked 

Joshua: "Weren't you sleeping on it?" I lied not to be any part of the joke

Albert: "Nah, I put it next to me on the my left." He begins to look under his desk then back up seeing Jaune writing on a notebook. 

Joshua: 'Oh no.' 

Albert: "Hey, Jaune have you seen my folder it was right in between the both of us?" He asked him getting more and more annoyed

Jaune: "No, why?" he responded innocently 

I saw Albert squinting his eyes towards Jaune I heard Yang in my left holding her laughter

Albert: "Don't lied to me Jaune" he told him 

Jaune: "I'm not ly-" before he finish Albert began to give Jaune quick low body shots on his side making him look like he was being electrocuted. 

Immediately grab the folder under Yang's desk while she was shock on what's happening and I went to save Jaune 

Joshua: "Albert!, Albert! its right here Yang found it it wasn't Jaune!" I whisper-yell not wanting to be caught by the Professor 

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