Chapter 49 Oh cool Laser.....shit.

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     Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

Joshua's POV


'Papa!' I heard a voice 

'Dad!' I heard another 

'Please don't go!' The voices cried 

'Please promised.' 

'I'm sorry Mijo but I need to fight....I made a promise to protect everyone especially you two.' I heard a new voice sounded older

'Is that me?' 

'Stay strong for' I heard the older voice say


'I love you Dad.'

'I love you too Jesus.' 

Then the voices stopped, I finally began to open my eyes revealing a wooden ceiling, I blinked a few times trying to get use to the light from the window. I felt something on top of my body so I looked down seeing a sleeping Yang over my chest with a small smile.

Smiling at the scene I looked around the room seeing all my friends sleeping in Hammocks. swaying side to side due the motion of the ship. I looked back to Yang seeing her wrap her arm over my chest.

'Well I'm not moving anywhere for a while.' I thought 

I then wrapped my arms around Yang and closing my eyes getting back to sleep.

2 hours later....

"Joshua wake up." I heard Yang's voice calling me

"Que? Ugh what time is it?" I opened my eyes seeing Yang staring at me with both hands on her hips.

"9:38 am, You're going to miss breakfast so hurry up Big Guy." She shoved me off the Hammock making land on the wooden floor.

"Ow..." I groaned I slowly stood up 

"You didn't have to push me." I rubbed my head in pain

"What, you wanted a wake up kiss from me?" Yang grinned

"Si." I answered 

She walked up to me and pecked my lips.

"Good morning." She whispered then walked to the door.

"Now, hurry up or you're not eating." She smiled the left the room.

*Sigh* "Yeah, yeah..." I put on a shirt and combat boots.


I headed to the dining room seeing everyone eating their breakfast with some of the ship's crew.

"Morning Joshua!" I heard Ruby call me

I turned to her direction seeing her smile while waving at me she sat with everyone else who were also eating.

"Morning Rosa." I greeted I sat beside Jaune finally get use to the motion

"Jaune finally going over the motion sickness?" I asked 

"I think so haven't threw up yet." He responded 

'How do you even get over it?' I thought, I then turned to Oscar sitting in between Nora and Ruby eating his food peacefully

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