Chapter 45 Godzilla vs Mutos Round 2

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   Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

No one's POV

On the academy grounds a large trail of explosions appeared destroying buildings and trees.

One of the building's walls explodes revealing Joshua and Albert from the smoke, Both Guardians landed and waited for the Mutos to come out.

*Huff* *Huff* "Is it me or are the Mutos learn how to fight martial arts?" Albert panted his eyes still focus on the destroyed wall.

"Well the female countered most of my attacks so I think you're right." Joshua responded 

Out of the smoke both Mutos walked out with smirks.

"Man....Fuck God he's buffing every villain we fight." Albert whined 

Joshua didn't respond only stared at the two Kaijus waiting for something to happen.

The Male muto began to flap his wings and began to lift into the air.

Both Guardians tensed up focusing on the Male.

"Albert!" Joshua called him

"What?" He responded 

"I'm going to throw you." He told his partner

"the hell you talking about?" He raised an eyebrow at the human kaiju

Joshua then turned to Albert with a grin.

"Oh no, No no HELL NO!" Albert backed away slowly

few seconds later 

"Ready?" Joshua aimed towards the flying Muto

"Yeah, I am but have you notice that they haven't done anything while we argued." Albert formed a ball of light in his palm.

"Oh yeah.... doesn't matter." Joshua shrugged then  cocked back his right hand which was holding Albert

'This is going to hurt if he misses..' Albert readied himself

Joshua then threw Albert towards the Muto destroying the concrete floor under him.

While Albert was flying at high speed towards the flying muto he readied his attack and smirked 



A huge explosion of energy appeared over the academy grounds, Sending the Male Muto flying towards a line of trees outside the academy.

"Always wanted to do that." Albert said to himself then began to fall down towards the main building

Joshua was watching his friend crash inside the building with a sweat drop.

'That idiot has rocket boots, why did he just fall like that?' he thought

Before he did anything else he was punched by the Female Muto sending him outside the Academy.


Few minutes earlier with Ruby and Her friends 

"Ha!" Ruby was slashing towards Emerald who was dodging or blocking them. Until Weiss appeared behind Emerald going for a quick jab but Emerald barely dodged by jumping to the air, and landing gracefully behind Weiss.

"Tch." Emerald began to get annoyed 

Before anything else happen Weiss jumped back dodging an attack from Vernal.

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