Chapter 39 We'll Meet Again

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    Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.     

Joshua's POV

It's been a whole day since Team left to Haven Albert is at the ship doing whatever he's doing, I'm making chicken soup while Yang and Tai were having fun with Flor and Jesus.

"What are you making Dad?" I heard Jesus behind 

"Caldo de Pollo." I responded 

I saw him tense 

"What?" I asked him

"Flor kinda doesn't like Caldo de Pollo." He told me

'Just like David...' I sweat drop

"Well she is going to start liking it." I told him

"That's what you said the first time." He told me

After minutes passed I heard Flor giggling.

"Abuelo stop!" She kept laughing 

"To think I'll meet my grandchildren so soon." I heard Taiyang 

"Dad leave her alone." I heard Yang holding back her laughter 

"Papa! What are you.....making." I saw her look at the pot.

"Caldo the Pollo." I squinted my eyes at her 

She made a face of disgust.

"You're gonna like it cause t hat's the only thing I made." I squinted my eyes at her

"No." She responded 

"Yes." I responded 




"Si!" We then squinted are eyes at each other 

"Flor." I heard Yang call her 

We both turn to her she was looking at Flor with a smile.

"You're eating what your dad made for you." She said with smile but it felt so.....scary

Flor pouted and sucked her teeth and walked up to her seat.

'Ha!' I grinned 

I served everyone a bowl and we began to eat.

"Flor eat." I told her 

She poked the chicken leg with her fork.

She then began to eat slowly.

'Being a parent is hard as hell I have more respect for my parents.' I sighed 

After a few minutes of eating I looked up at everyone who were talking while eating.

'They will be leaving soon.' I looked at Jesus and Flor.

'We missed you so much...' I heard Flor's voice in my head

'Mama would always cry at night since your death..' I heard Jesus voice after 

I looked at Yang who was smiling 

I saw Flor being hugged by Taiyang

Jesus was laughing.

'I won't make them cry not this time.' I smiled at all of them.


Few hours later...

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