Chapter 14 Reunited

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   Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you. 

Joshua's POV 

It has been 2 days since Blake left to find out if the White Fang are actually responsible for the dust robberies. Yang and her team already asked us if we wanted to help find Blake but I declined lying that Ozpin needs us for something but we are waiting until Blake reaches the warehouses for we can capture TorchWick. 

Location: Vale docks

Joshua: "we've been waiting for like, 4 hours already Albert." I complained while sitting on the edge of the roof of the building.

Albert: "Stop complaining, You should've stayed at Beacon if you wanted just lay down" he responded with his helmet on.

Joshua: "Do you see Blake and Sun?" I moved over next to him

Albert: "Yeah, they're on the roof over there." he pointed at their direction

Joshua: "Oh, well you look at  that." I squinted my eyes to see them better.

We then see a Bullhead land near the warehouses.

Albert: "He's here" he began to check on his blasters

Joshua: "Hey, after this wanna go to vale tomorrow and get some ingredients, I'm planning on making some Enchiladas with homemade tortillas." I looked at him

Albert: "Yeah, sure can we make some Horchata?" he responded still checking his blasters

Joshua: "Oh! that's a good idea! You think everyone will like it?"

Albert: "Bro, who doesn't like Horchata?" he then looked at me

Joshua: "Eh." I shrugged 

*Bang* *Bang*

We then began to hear gunshots from a shotgun we turn to see Blake and Sun fighting Torchwick.

Albert: "Oh! Forgot about that" He jumped using his rocket to land.

Joshua: "Oh shit!" I jumped from the roof landing next to Albert. We both began to run towards the fight.

OST START: FAIRY TAIL - "Fierce Battle of Steel"

We then saw White Fang goons aiming at Sun and Blake Albert then whistle to catch their attention. 

Albert: *Whistles*

White Fang grunt: "Huh?" they turn to him

Albert: "Made you look!" he shoots at the goons 

While he was taking care of the goons I saw Torchwick shoot towards a metal crate on top of Sun and Blake. I thought they would easily dodge only Sun moved out of the way but then I saw Blake flinch in pain on her left leg. That didn't happened on the show.

Joshua: "Fuck!" I began to activate my Godzilla powers growing scales on my legs, Chest, and arms. And dashed towards Blake.

Blake's POV

When I saw Torchwick shoot at the crate on top of us making it fall towards us I tried to back flip away but I felt a sharp pain on my knee making me flinch in pain.

Sun: "BLAKE!" 

I looked up seeing the large metal crate falling towards me I closed my eyes waiting to be crushed but then.

*Clang* *Boom*

I didn't feel a thing I opened my eyes I saw the crate right on top of me almost touching my head I looked at Torchwick and Sun both had widened eyes and were looking at my right. I then turn to see what they were looking at and saw.

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