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  When they first arrived we were the cattle, we were their prey, we were hunted for game and used to be hosts for their Xenomorph's. Now our governments, monarchies, and communists countries have all come to an agreement with them that they may be able to pick our women as their mates in exchange for advanced weaponry. To me it's sick what our government has succumbed to. What can we as women do in the eyes men nothing but stand idly as their perfect little women. The ones that do get taken away by those monstrosities never come back to see family or freinds. For me that's not an option I have too much at stake to just throw everything away. I may no longer have family I'm close to except for two people who are Allie and Tori, but here in Alaska it is no laughing matter when you are in the wilderness by yourself. Life for me here I feel free, and I had to look after myself with the help of Allie of course after both of my parents were killed by a group of raiders of five men who were ransacking our home for food and supplies. I had to watched them kill my pa in cold blood and sad to say after they killed him they raped my mama and killed her as well. My mama hid me behind a door that blended into the wall where the raiders couldn't find me. After the raiders fell asleep I took my Pa's rifle, a few bullets, my coat from my room and ran out of the house through the my small window. Thankfully my pa taught me how to hunt and navigate through the forest. My mama taught me how to make clothes from the furs and navigate. My pa was a Alaskan while my mama was a mexican. I was nine years old when it happened. Later I found my Uncle Robert and Aunt Olivia they were expecting their first child together. My Aunt Olivia had an older daughter named Alexis she was nineteen years old at the time. Allie lost her father at the age of twelve to the cold and then her mom meet Robert he's a nice man and I know He'll be a great father. That was nine years ago during those nine years both of my cousins lost their mom and Robert in a fire that happened in the forest. My cousin Allie was taken by one of those monstrosities to be his mate that was two years ago. now it's just me and my cousin Torie short for Victoria she's nine and I'll be nineteen soon. My names Nicole Flora Tsosie and this is just the beginning of my story...   

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