Chapter 66

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"Alright that's enough out of the lot of you! For crying out loud! You were each chosen to be a Lou'dte kale for a reason and if there is no reason. Suck it up! Because this is your life now and from I learned at even a young age its that Life doesn't like to play fair to anyone! So what if our mates are gone? You all have a job to do and that's not only leading a tribe but teaching your children that are with you how to survive and thrive in this game called life! I know you all have your own perspectives and traditions but put those aside and think about your children what do you want for them to see you die right in front of them so easily, or to live and die trying protect the only piece you have of your mates so the next generation can come back stronger? These children that we have are the future and if you give up then so will the future of your clans!" I shout as I climbed onto Stella with Torie in front of me and Neveah in her carry on, on my back. Many looked at me shocked but one look at their children gave them enough understanding that they were not going to let them die at least not without a fight for their live and the ages.

"Let's show these bastards not to mess with our clans!" I shouted as Stella lead the way out of the hanger and the other Lou'dte kale's following in pursuit. "Let's rain down some hell on them," I thought in my head. Torie looked determined. Natasha was on my left and Savanna on my right the both of them riding their creatures alongside me as we broke through the metal wall and charged into the battlefield with our tribe masks to communicate with one another. We put our plan in motion and set off in four different directions each group had five Lou'dte kales with their creatures and children with them so they could keep an eye on them.

"Let's rain some hell on them ladies!" I shouted as we all went our separate ways each of our creatures giving mighty roars and charging head on into battle full of armor and weapons to fire at the enemy. "I'm coming La'jar I'll be there soon," I thought in my head as Stella blew her fire full force at the enemy scorching them alive.

La'jar's POV

I watched with a heavy heart as my mate Nicole left with our pup Neveah and Torie to take them to safety I couldn't promise her that I would make it out alive but I would most definitely die trying. Shots were shot from both sides as we made a front and killed many changelings we had a few of our own be injured but no lives were being lost.

"We can't hold them off forever!" said one of the soldiers as he through a bomb their way.

"We have to we can't let them get anywhere near our mates or pups!" shouted Untar who was by my side. *Boom* Goes a grenade going off near us. This war in one room was taking forever as the intercom to the ship came on, and we all dread the voice of what we heard.

"Attention all Yautja your mates are cornered in a room as we speak at the moment with their we have them surrounded as we speak drop your weapons now and surrender oor your precious Lou'dte kale's and pups will suffer the price for your insolence." said King Gues'de's top general, General Tes'sen'o.

"Pauk I can't even get a single message to my mate!" Complained Guan-thwei as he swore and stressed about how he can't reach his mate.

"Neither can I! C'jit!!!" Cursed Untar as hope of my mate's life seemed to be strapped on a thin piece of thread.

"Are there places on the ship that our communications can't reach one another?" I ask Elder Kallїfa and the other Elders hoping that there was at least one room that Nicole was in that would allow sanctuary from those Changelings.

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