Chapter 53

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Author Crissillis: Thank you all so much for your love and support! my fanfic story has officially reached #1 in hurt I repeat a # 1 spot in over 7K stories with hurt. Is that crazy or what!? XD XP Anyway on with the story!!! XD XP





"Ah! Nooo! Ha ha ha, Cloie! Sto-o-op! You are embarrassing me!" she complains while in a giggling fit as she tries to push me away.

"No," I say as I continue my assault with kisses on her face as she continues to squeal and giggle.

"Ah! Ha ha ha! Cooollliiieeee!" she says complaining but this time she just hugs me with tears in her eyes she covers her face in my stomach as I gently pet her head and kiss the top of her head.

"Remember this Torie you were my first daughter blood or not it wouldn't matter to me because you will always be my little girl too," I say to her gently as I pet her head and she continues to cry into me and say how much she missed me. It hurts me to see her crying, La'jar is staring at us with a gentleness in his eyes and comes to hug me while squishing Torie and Neveah in between us.

"Our little family," I thought in my head as I kiss the side of La'jar's mandible smiling up at him happy to be back home.

La'jar's POV

I was beyond terrified and furious at the same time when I saw that changeling not only lay a claw on her but STRIKE HER! He deserved to die it pleased me that he had died at my hands. After Nicole tucked her cousin Victorie back in her bed she had laid our daughter who's name is Nevaeh. I smiled with pride at how much she cared for her, she would treat her just the same as her cousin Victoria if not that then with more care since she was still small and helpless. I couldn't believe we had a female she is the third female hybrid recorded so far. Of course Nicole's mother was the first from what I heard from Nicole's grandfather and great grandfather Elder Küzŏn. Who so happens to be alive and had explained how his ship exploding was no accident and that the Changelings were the reason why Nicole had lost her parents and Aunt and Uncle, I was furious when I found out. "They were the ones and the cause for Nicole's misery and for killing her family and they tried to kill not only her but our daughter as well!?" I thought in my head beyond enraged at the mere thought of them laying a claw on my Lou'dte kale again or doing worse things.

I was finally going to rest for the night as it was a long day, but before I did I went to go check on Nicole and the pups. As soon as I walked into Victoria's quarters I couldn't help but smile as I watched all of them sleeping soundly. Neveah was in between Nicole and Torie as she slept soundly without a care in the world Torie was laying on her back as she had one arm behind her pillow and the other on her stomach while her legs were splayed out in a weird ways. I chuckled at her as I placed the leg that was hanging off the bed back on it, Nicole had one arm behind her pillow and the other surrounding Neveah securing her closely to her. Right when I was about to cover Nicole with one of the fur blankets blankets she stirs and calms down when she sees it's me and rubs her tired eyes.

"Rest my Lou'dte kale, you need it," I say nuzzling her head, but she caresses the side of my head and brings me closer to her and kisses me. "Paya I've missed her so much," I thought in my head as I begin to purr.

"You need rest as well La'jar, come to bed my love," she says motioning for me to join her and the pups, it's a bit of a tight squeeze, but I'm happy that I get to have my Lou'dte kale back in my arms again.

*The next day early in the morning*

I woke to a crying in the middle of the night and knew it was my daughter Nicole groaned as she woke up and went into a sitting position as she as held our daughter in her arms. Torie fell off the bed when she heard the little pup cry and complained about Neveah crying right next to her ear.

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