Chapter 5

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La'jar's POV

As Centanu carries the pup in his arms I tell R'ka to come with me. When we reach the hill I see a female that I don't recognize she wears the armor of- Oh no she's carrying my female who is passed out in the ooman female's arms. That female wears the armor of my enemy Guan-thwei, "What does he want with my lou-dte kale! he already has one," I thin in my head.

I ready one of my weapons but she puts her down and readys her weapons when my female stirs and faces the female.

"Ally?" she asks with drowsiness in her voice, "my poor lou-dte kale what has she done to you!" I think in y head.

I let out a threatening growl when the one she calls "ally" bends down to her that's when I realize there are similarities between the pup that was with my lou-dte kale and this grown female. "Is the pup hers?" if so how did my future lou-dte kale get a hold of her pup?" I think n my head.

That's when I see the fear and anger in my lou-dte kale's eyes as she looks at me. "I wish she would look at me differently not to worry that will all change when I take her back to my clan," I think in my head.

"What do you want with my cousin?" asks Guan-thwei's lou-dte kale.

"Cousin? Oh, so that's how they know each other... hmm maybe she can take the pup that was with my lou-dte kale and take care her instead my female," I think in my head.

"I've chosen her to be my lou-dte kale," I say slamming my spear in the hard frozen ground and standing proud. She looks at me surprised but then looks... Saddened. "Why is she saddened? It's an honor to be a lou-dte kale of clan leader. I mean even she's a lou-dte kale of a clan leader, and even she knows not even she can do anything to stop me form her 'cousin'" I think in my head.

She steps away from her cousin not before my lou-dte kale grabs her leg.

Ally? My lou-dte kale says with her voice cracking. The one called ally has tears in her eyes but pulls her leg back and teleports to probably her ship. Then I hear my lou-dte kale crying?

"lou-dte kale?" I say approaching her I feel something weird inside of me when I see her sad, I've never felt this way before.

She turns her head to me but backs away from me, and I go to her even faster. "She's not getting away from any longer I've waited long enough for her I'm done waiting I think in my head.

I grab her and throw her over my shoulder with her kicking and screaming, and signal R'ka and Centanu that it's time to leave.

Nicole's POV

I'm kicking this beast with all my might even though I feel light headed and apparently he doesn't seem to get the message that I'M, NOT, GOING!!!!!!! That's when I hear engines and feel a gust of wind throwing all of the snow away from what appears to be a clearing behind me and then this causes me to fight him even more.

"NOOO!!! AAAHH!!!! LET ME GO!!!!" I yell as I wiggle and squirm harder trying to get away from him and that's when I feel hot tears running down my face. "But FUCKING DAMN IT!!! THIS BEAST HAS A DEATH GRIP ON ME!!!!! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!?!?! I THINK IN MY HEAD.

Then I hear a deep growl and rumble from the one that's carrying but I don't show fear instead I show just how annoying I really can be. If he thinks he he going to take me without a fight he's got another thing coming. When his growl and rumbles get louder I decide hit my elbow to the back of his head with all my might. Which in return causes his head to go forward and for me to get dropped on the and not get very far because then I claw like hands go around my waist and try to hold me up but I decide to try and use my weight to my advantage sadly it doesn't so shit for ME!!! Instead this beast carries on his side where his armor is poking my side and causes to wince in pain. Apparently the beast that was carrying me before makes it way towards the one that is carrying me now and it decides to take off its' mask, and you can see the very pissed off expression the thing has when it spreads all it's mandible. That thing looks at me as if daring me to challenge it and I shake off my surprised look and glared up at it.

La'jar's POV

"KI' CTE!!!, LOU-DTE KALE!!!! KI' CTE!!!" I yell as she just wouldn't stop kicking and yelling for me to let her go. We're about to board my ship when something hard hits the back of my head and causes me to drop my lou-dte kale. Once I let go of her she runs off, "did she hit me did my lou-dte kale actually hit me!? Pauk she hits hard! AND I'VE HAD IT!!!" I think in my head. I see my second in command R'ka carrying her on his side. "I tried being polite about this whole situation but Damn this female! She's going to be a wild one when I start giving her my pups!" I think happily, but focus on a more important matter and that's showing my lou-dte kale her place. I take off my mask and flare out my mandibles daring her to challenge me. To my surprise, pleasure, and liking she doesn't which causes both me and R'ka to give off happy rumbles as he hands her to my confused and outraged lou-dte kale. I continue to carry my frustrated and fiesty lou-dte kale to my quarters and pinch one of her nerves so she falls asleep. I continue my way to my quarters carrying my female bridal style with Centanu behind me carrying the little pup that was with my female. I motion for him to carry her to my quarters I'll leave my pup with my female for now until I am able to contact Guan-thwei or his mate, to see if they'll take care of the pup instead of my female and I. I set my female down on my bed as Centanu sets the pup next to her and leaves my quarters. I look to my sleeping female and the pup that lies with her and can't but think of what my lou-dte kale's and I's pups will look like.

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