Chapter 17

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We watch in silence as Nicole prepares herself for the battle with the Elder Fujïr has his spear in his hands as Nicole readies herself for anything. Then, Elder Fujïr charges at Nicole with great speed but surprisingly Nicole dodges the Elders quick movements to hit her or even land a hit on her. When the Elder misses to strike her Nicole aims her spear to hit the Elder under his legs, but the Elder dodges her hit and aims his next hit for Nicole's head but Nicole bends backwards and rolls away from the Elder and gets to her feet quickly before the Elder lands another hit on her. Nicole then sticks her spear on the floor using it as a pole and swings her right leg for the Elders head and kicks halfway across the room. She seems out of breath but stands her ground when the Elder gets up and he doesn't proceed with the match but rather hits his spear three times on the ground and bows his head signalling that he concedes to her. The first three look at my mate Nicole with pride in their eyes happy to see that she was able to pass their tests as the four elders go back to their seats and sit down. "Now all that was left was Hondär to give Nicole her final test from what I'm guessing but I could be wrong and she might have many more for all I know," I thought in my head.

Nicole's POV

"After the first three Elders had tried to intimidate me I wasn't having it! If they thought I was going to crack under pressure, ha! Then they thought wrong, at first I thought I did something wrong once I saw one of the other elders that was sitting down get up with a spear in his hands. dread that they were going to kill me. Then eased up when he handed me the spear I was thankful that he had gotten a spear himself he made a loud growl and then our fight had commenced and we were fighting with one another and I had defeated him. The last Elder then stood and motioned for me to follow him I'll bite it was a little nerve racking but the other Elders took one look at me and held pride in their eyes as all four of them bowed their heads to me showing their respect to me.

As I'm following the last elder I notice that there are huge skulls everywhere and in this room with pictures of Yautjan's from what looked like the past.

"Do you know why you were chosen young one?" says the Elder I have yet to learn the name of, I respond by shaking my to him confused.

"According to your mate that had chosen you La'jar, you have exemplified all the chosen traits that make up the perfect mate for a Yautja. It takes time to find such a female and so the council and myself were surprised to when La'jar had found such a female but sadly you weren't in season yet and so he had strike his moment the day he laid his eyes on you and you were finally of age. Many of us Elders here consider it rare for female Oomans to possess these kinds of traits especially if it has to do anything with hunting." Explains the fifth Elder.

"I know what you mean Elder, usually women on Earth are considered to not do the heavy lifting like the men do. Instead we are to stay home and care for young and follow what men have ordered us to do, but the men on Earth are far more cruel in the things they do but not all are that way only a few will care for their loved ones sad to say not all." I say trying hard to not show my anger but then again it was difficult for my cousin Allie when it was just the three of us so having to bow down to men that were in town, and in the woods. It was always hard for us but now that I'm with the monstrosities that I once resented and loathed I now realize that it was never their fault they simply had asked if it was alright to go with them. The men on Earth didn't even ask us if it was alright, they just did it... but the Yutjan sure they did take us but it's not our fault that it's part of their traditions to not be challenged and well... at least they did respect us in more ways than than the men back on Earth they cared about our opinion and did anything for us.

"Hmm I understand there are other Tribes who do not respect the Oomans or female Yautjan, The females of our kind were once a mighty race now they are no more I'm sorry, you could not have the chance to see them. I believe you would've admired them, you remind me much of them and to know that an Ooman female is much like our female race was surprising to us Elder since many of you Oomans are considered pyode amedha or soft meat." He explains to me and I feel a little saddened that I never got to meet the females of their kind they sound so strong and powerful like the males of the Yautjan race. Then I was a little offended when he called my race weak but that was understandable since technically we weren't that strong anyway.

"I wish I could've meet them they sound powerful... Do you know what lead to them disappearing?" I ask him knowing very well that I might have struck a nerve but he just nodded his head.

"There was a sickness going around that was only striking the females of our race many of the Yautja Scientists weren't able to find a cure in time sadly even the half breed offspring are only males we still haven't been able to have any females sadly like we had hoped," he says in a grave tone and at this I felt Empathy with them I knew now why they kept taking the women of Earth it was because no woman was able to birth any females for them not even half breed females.

"Oh, I'm sorry for your losses," say looking at him and it seemed he was pleased to know my answer and nodded at me.

"Come no need to feel the loss anymore, La'jar is eagerly waiting for our return along with the other elders, remember young one you have a big role to fill. You have indeed shown that you are able to fight and defend yourself, stand your ground against others who wish to destroy that act of will you care so much about, and empathize with others that are not your kind," Said the Elder as we made our way back I couldn't help but feel slightly happy that they were all pleased with me and that I wasn't going to die.

"Thank you Elder it was indeed an honor to make you think other wise of my kind," I say holding my head high and proud.

"Remember you are not to tell anyone else of what happened here not even La'jar, only the Elders and female Oomans who have taken this test you are able to discuss this with no one else," says the Elder with all seriousness and I nod my head to him as we make out of a different door.

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