Chapter 68

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"How did I get the disease in the first place I asked the healer as he looked at La'jar and La'jar motioned for the healer to leave along with Allie. Once they were gone La'jar looked a little hesitant when he had to say it but one look at me and he caved easily.

"There was a slight pollution in our ventilation system that caused you to receive this sickness this morning. We were unable to pick it up when the Changeling were attacking us but our head systems crew found the small traces when they were doing repair work. They planted a device that secreted the toxins to kill off our females though it is unable to kill us it is able to slow us down just a little bit." Explained La'jar as I nodded my head at this new information and relieved that our children would be safe from said disease.

"Will Colie be alright?" asked Torie as she looked in question and La'jar nodded his head to her smiling at me and Neveah who was in between us.

"Sei-i, yes she will be and so will your niece," said La'jar as Neveah rested her head on La'jar's lap.

La'jar's POV

As I left Nicole with her cousin Torie and pup Neveah I had gone to the medical room where I found the healer looking at Nicole's blood and experimenting with it.

"Are you certain that the disease is out of her system? And it is being disintegrated? As we speak?" I asked the healer for the well being of my Lou'dte kale and pup since she never even showed any signs of having the disease like her mother Nicole

"I am certain since both your Lou'dte kale Nicole and you pup daughter Neveah are both hybrids they are immune to this disease killing them. Since the research we have been doing here has proven that no Ooman female or any female hybrids will not inherit nor die from the disease I've been researching Nicole's hybrid blood and I have to say that I've never seen anything like it her DNA, and Chromosomes are not human and yet they are Yautja either. Her genome has advanced dramatically since she received her physical but I believe that her height and eyes were just the beginning of her transformation when they enhanced her Yautja side." said the healer as he looked more closely at Nicole's blood. Now this caught my interest, "What he meant Is Nicole not done with her transformation yet? What else about her is going to change?" I thought in my head now more curious than ever.

"What do you mean this is just the beginning of her transformation?" I asked the medic as he made Nicole genetic sequence bigger.

"Well from what I gather her senses will be enhanced tenfold, her small canines will be larger and instead of one sets she's going to have three so don't be surprised if she loses her teeth it's just her mouth's way of accommodating for her new set of teeth, and it also says here that she's not done growing yet either. The systems say she should be about three inches taller than you clan leader La'jar." Explained the healer as he told me the things I should be looking out for if my Lou'dte kale freaks out about anything. I nodded to him and I made sure to know everything and leave nothing out as I would have to tell Nicole about all the new information I had received.

As I was making my way to my quarters when I hear a commotion in the training room and notice a small crowd forming around the training mat. I then spot there was a small crowd Nicole was instructing Torie on the different techniques with a spear and having Torie perfect them on her. The guards that I assigned to watch Nicole were doing so and chuckling when Nicole made Torie land on her ass. Neveah was with Lou'dte kale Alexis on the other side of the training mat with her and clan leader Guan-thwei's twin pups as they wrestled with one another Neveah watched Torie practice with Nicole and how to use a spear. I decided to pay my pup a visit as I tapped the top of her head and she looked behind her and only saw my legs and slowly looked up at me and smiled when she saw. It was definitely a memory I will cherish forever as she slowly started to use more than one word now thanks to Torie teaching her while she stayed with her it seems she's catching onto what we say more quickly and both languages might I add. Neveah will say one word in English or Spanish and another in Yautja as she is learning to speak two earth languages and my language she sometimes gets mixed up but she is still little and is learning tremendously.

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