Chapter 20

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"Seems to me that your cousin is a smart lou-dte kale indeed," he says with pride and his comment seems to fill me up with even more pride of my cousin.

"I was about to say more that is until he tenses up and guards me but then eases up when he notices to figures and bows his head greeting... *gasp* Colie! I think in my head.

Nicole's POV

"You know I still think the restraints were not necessary." I say as he takes off my wrist restraints and continues his strokes with fluid movements along my back.

"Hmph, I wouldn't need to put the restraints if you didn't keep running from me, you need to remove your armor so I may continue painting," he says as I roll my eyes as he continues to paint his markings on my body and I tense as I realize I'm not really wearing anything under armor and this causes me to blush.

"Why do you have to paint the markings on me?..." I ask him since we were going to be stuck with each other for a long while and I didn't want to admit to him that I was self-conscious about my body with how many scars I have and this armor was hiding on of my worst scars that ran across the top of my shoulders .

"To state your status as my lou-dte kale and mate, other tribes will harm you if they don't know which tribe you belong to," he says as he stops the painting and starts to remove my armor and this causes me to shoo his hand, talon, paw, whatever you call it away from me.

"WOAH! Woah! Woah! No!" I shout and try to stop him from undressing me as he starts to bristle at my refusal to cooperate.

"Nicole..." he says as he stares down at me and bristles a little and glares daggers at me.

"We had a deal as you call it, didn't we? You do as I say so long as I agree to keep your cousin safe at all costs, even if it means choosing which one of you should live or die." he says repeating our deal and I bow my head in submission and nod my head.

"I-it just-" I start then he cuts me off and growls while bristling.

"KI' CTE!" he says as I look up at him and then his face softens somewhat when he sees me he then wipes away a stray tear that not even I knew escaped and rests his head against mine and sighs.

"I'm not like the males on your planet I won't take advantage of my mate in a vulnerable state. My kind wait until the female is ready that is the honorable warrior and hunter thing to do." he says and some reason this news eases up my nerves a little bit.

"I won't run as the our deal states but could you finish my bottom half instead my top half. I'd rather save the top for later." I admit shyly and not looking into his eyes as I blush.

"Sei-i," he says as he pulls away and nods his head curtly.

"Thank you," I say while wiping my eyes of any other stray tears.

"N'jauka, it means welcome in my tongue," he says as takes off the restraints on my ankles and continues to paint my legs and I turn to one side of the table as my legs dangle on the side since the table is tall. "It may seem weird but I always hated males because they thought they were the superiors of our race. But as I'm getting to know the Yautjan as they are called I'm seeing them in a new light, and I guess I can finally ease up once in a while." I think in my head smiling for once.

"Nee-jock-a?" I say trying hard to speak their language and pronounce it. He rapidly clicks his mandible in amusement and stops his painting and chuckles at me trying to speak his language.

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