Chapter 16

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As soon as both Torie and I were done The Yautja that took us aboard his ship had his mask on and the other Yautja who had other women with them had them with their tribal markings all were different though I haven't seen my markings but apparently the that took both Torie couldn't stop staring at me the whole time well at least that's what I think he was doing I couldn't tell since he had his mask on after a while walking we all came to huge double doors and the other Yautja took their women elsewhere while me and the Yautja that look us had me go in alone to see this council, "here goes nothing," I thought in my head as I stepped inside.

La'jar's POV

I watched my chosen mate Nicole enter to see the Elders I wa tempted to enter with her but knew of the laws saying that I was prohibited to enter the room with her. So I had taken her cousin Torie with me since we were not permitted to enter with her, but we could watch from the stands where Nicole would be determined by the Elders to see if she is worthy enough to be my chosen loud'te kale even though I know for a fact that she is worthy.

I could feel an emotion that I was not accustomed to I believe the Oomans called it uneasiness. . . I had to wait in the stands where I sit with her cousin Torie, "I wish I could be there to tell her not to worry about anything, but I'm not allowed to be with at the time being and it's driving me to insanity!" I thought in my head. Most Ooman females fail to succeed in these trials that the elders for them; many of the Elders have been growing tired of pampering the ooman females since they are not use to our customs, and there have been fewer Ooman females who have actually past the trials that the Elders hold for them. I watched in the stands as I see Nicole walk into the center of the room showing no fear as she watches our Elders showing no fear whatsoever. There were a total of five Elders who were once clan Leaders themselves there are a total of twenty Elders many of who are Warriors very few clan leaders get to receive the title as Elder or Ancient.

One of the Elders had risen from his seat he was once the clan leader of Kiuwa Clan his name is Kallїfa his son Chorko is the the clan leader now and he too has an Ooman mate named Talia. Kallїfa has Dark green scales, with lighter green stripes along his body, and one of his four tusks is missing with a long scar along his chest from one of his many hunts and battles. Kallїfa has the lighter green stripes along the crest of his head and spikes that act as a crown and grey tendrils that run along behind him. Kallїfa circles Nicole as if she were his prey to his surprise Nicole Stares at him as he circles her he then lets out a few growls to see if she would back down into submission. To the Elders surprise she glares at him as if challenging him to do something, two others rise from their seats there names are SÖttō, who has red scales and a brown stripes along his body and his head holds dark brown marking around his crest with orange around them with spikes acting like a crown with silver grey long tendrils adorned with gold rings cascading behind him. Teätro had Blue scales with white silver leopard like spots all over his backside of his body, he was clan leader of the Herko clan, his son Burtise is clan leader now, and has yet to find his mate. Teätro has silver tendrils that run along behind him with silver rings on them and has spikes along his crest that are light blue. All three Previous Clan Leader and now Elders are growling at her testing her patients until she succumbs into submission under one or all of them. Nicole Refuses to stand down and clenches her hands glaring at all three of them going so far as to look them in the eye while glaring at them now she was challenging all three of them. The fourth Elder then got out of his seat to hand Nicole a spear as a weapon and see who she stood against him since she wouldn't submit to the first three Elders. The fourth Elder's name is Fujïr, he has dark orange scales with dark red leopard like spots all over him and spikes all along the crest of his head he has Black grey long tendril that cascade along behind him with silver rings on them. Nicole took the spear gladly and got into her warrior stance there where a few things that I thought she could work on, but I knew I had to watch the and not intervene. The Pup Torie looked at her cousin in worry but had said nothing since we sat down in the stands you see Nicole is unaware of this but she is in a dome where others can look in but she can't see us and it is sound proof as well meaning she can't hear anything that goes on out here because then that would distract her from the Elders tests.

"Is she going to be ok? Fighting with the Elders will she win?" Torie pipes up nervous for her cousin Nicole.

"They will test her skills the Yautja way, if they deem her worthy then she would have passed the warriors test but they will have many other test for her before we are allowed to be with her." I explain to Torie but she still seems nervous as she just nods her head.

We watch in silence as Nicole prepares herself for the battle with the Elder Fujïr has his spear in his hands as Nicole readies herself for anything. Then Elder Fujïr charges at Nicole with great speed but surprisingly Nicole dodges the Elders quick movements to hit her or even land a hit on her. When the Elder misses to strike her Nicole aims her spear to hit the Elder under his legs, but the Elder dodges her hit and aims his next hit for Nicole's head but Nicole bends backwards and rolls away from the Elder and gets to her feet quickly before the Elder lands another hit on her. Nicole then sticks her spear on the floor using it as a pole and swings her right leg for the Elders head and kicks halfway across the room. She seems out of breath but stands her ground when the Elder gets up and he doesn't proceed with the match but rather hits his spear three times on the ground and bows his head signalling that he concedes to her. The first three look at my mate Nicole with pride in their eyes happy to see that she was able to pass their tests as the four elders go back to their seats and sit down. "Now all that was left was Hondär to give Nicole her final test from what I'm guessing but I could be wrong and she might have many more for all I know," I thought in my head.

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