Chapter 61 part 2

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This is Claudia's creature:

Then Lou'dte kale Penjani came out with her creature a Grimm with Lou'dte kale Alexis following behind her with her creature similar to Torie's pet but ten times larger.

This is Penjani and her creature:

This is Allie with her creature:

And the one Lou'dte kale that most of the Lou'dte kale's dread or hated Natasha with her Sinsponzo

Natasha's Creature:

Next was Lou'dte kale Lilly with her creature a Shedu, and Lou'dte kale Valerie following right behind her with her creature a Packenno

This is Lilly and her creature:

This is Valerie with her creature:

Now it was my Lou'dte kale's turn as she came out with her creature Stella a Dragos, and Lou'dte kale Savanna following her with her Tysonxic.

This is Savanna's creature:

"Let the judging begin," I thought in my head as I had not noticed before but nearly every clan leader was watching my lou'dte kale. I let out a growl letting them all know they were watching for to long as the focused their gazes on their own Lou'dte kales.

"You will all be sparing with each other until the final day where we will have the top four Lou'dte kale's face off with one another. May you all go with Strength and power," said Elder Küzŏn as we all watched as some of our Lou'dte kale's were pairing up to spar others naturally Nicole and spar with someone she knew so she most likely choose Lou'dte kale Alexis for hand to hand combat. Apparently Lou'dte kale Natasha had other plans as she chose Nicole to be her sparring partner to which my Lou'dte kale agreed and they both had taken part in the simulation. "This isn't good," I thought in my head as I saw Nicole enter the simulation but Lou'dte kale Natasha locked in and typed something to cause the simulation to go berserk!

"Nicole!" I shout as all have their eyes on the simulation room and Nicole pounding her fists on the glass and looking at Natasha with rage as the simulation started.

Nicole's POV

I was beyond nervous when entering with Stella I didn't like being away from Torie and Neveah for long at least not without La'jar by my side to reassure me that they will be fine. As I followed the woman that was in front of me riding her beast and Savanna behind me with her creature that looked like a fucking T-Rex, all the women were shocked to know that I had a flipping dragon including Natasha she seemed shocked, envious, and enraged all rolled up into one as she climbed onto her beast and followed Allie to the room where we would all represent our creatures and train with them or with each other. After stepping out I could feel every males eyes on me, not going to lie it felt super uncomfortable but then again it also made me feel confident in a way which is weird.

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