Chapter 65

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"And you two," she looked at the two youngest females, "Off to bed it's time for your nap," she said as the two female pups complained as Nicole led them to the nursery I assumed. As I saw many little beds and cradles on one side of the roomTorie put the little ones she had in her arms in tow cradles while Nicole put the three she was carrying in their own cradles as well I tucked the two rambunctious little female pups in a bed that they both seemed to share. The other three little pups that were near Nicole's feet the two males and one female were yawning waiting their turn to be put to bed as I walked over and picked to two males up and placed them in their own beds as Nicole held the little female in her arms. Once all the pups were in their designated beds Torie left to go train some more leaving Nicole and I alone with our sleeping little bundles of joy.

As we left the room Nicole circled her arms around my neck smiling up at me as I held her hips.

"La'jar it's time to wake, wake up La'jar, La'jar wake UP!" Said Nicole as everything around me was black.

*Ending of La'jar's dream*

My eyes were shot wide open to the alarms going off and Nicole shaking me awake with Torie in the corner of the room holding onto Neveah.

"What's going on?" I asked as I shot from where I was and prepared my spear for action. As if my question was answered when to door to the Banquet hall was blasted through and gunfire were shot as Nicole instantly went to Torie and Neveah's side along with me. "I'll damned if these monstrosities even lay a claw on my family I'm not losing my Lou'dte kale again or anyone in my family!" I thought in my head determined as Nicole and I fought against the invaders as the came strolling in.

Nicole's POV

One after another the changelings had come strolling in in guns a blazing thankfully the spear that La'jar gave me had a blaster built inside of it. Both him and I were firing shots while Torie held Neveah closer her trying to shield her from the fight that is happening around us. Neveah was crying nonstop and I wish I could console her right now but my motherly instincts were telling to protect both of my little girls with my life and my unborn children.

"Nicole you need to get Torie and Neveah out of here we'll be able to hold them off!" yelled La'jar as he blasted one of his small missiles that's able to do major damage to their enemy.

"But- I tried countering off that he would need me here but he cut me off by resting his head against mine and shook his head.

"You need not worry about me I've survived worse and I would have a piece of mind knowing you are away from this kaos with our pups still intact," he said and wiped a stray tear that escaped my face that not even I knew I shed. I kissed him because I wanted this to be one of the last things I remember of him if anything were to happen to La'jar.

"Ok but you better come back or so help me I will haunt you in the after life," said as I grabbed Torie's hand who held Neveah in her other arm as I dragged the both of them away from all the kaos and to a secret door that would lead us away from all the gun fire. I had to find Stella she's the only other safe haven that I can think of right now other than the control room where all the main controls were but those monstrosities would be counting on me to go there to protect my children so Stella was the next best thing.

As we were making our way Torie was doing a great job at keeping neveah quite as we passed many Changeling troops and and soldiers. We treaded lightly into the creatures chambers as I typed the pass code to enter and there were already a few Lou'dte kale's with their creatures as well. I noticed Claudia, Allie, and Savanna all with their creatures, and a few other Lou'dte kale's with theirs as well. Even Natasha wa here and she looked like she was ready to murder something as she checked her creatures heavy armor and huge weaponry with her children sitting on the back of the huge creature looking down at their mother in wonder.

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