Chapter 21

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"Are you alright Nicole?" I ask her worried that something is terribly wrong with my mate.

"Just mentally exhausted, do you mind carrying me to the ship I don't think I can walk from here to there," she says and this causes as some Oomans say happiness to swell in my heart.

"Of course," I say as I carry her back to the ship.

Victoria's (Torie) POV

"Colie!" I say running towards her and the yautjan name La'jar I found out his name from my older sister Alexis, she told me that La'jar is his real name.

"What's wrong with her is she ok?" I ask worried about my cousin Nicole since he is carrying her in his arms. I run up to the both of them and Nicole seems to be waking up an looks down at me with a weak smile.

"Sei-i, pup, your cousin Nicole is fine, mentally drained as she puts it," La'jar says to me and I sigh a breath of relief.

"I'm a bit tired Torie, do you want to rest alongside me?" Nicole asks me as she tries to stay awake for my sake Cen had left us be and gone somewhere else that I don't know.

"Sure thing Colie," I say as I walk with them to La'jar's room. La'jar lays Nicole down gently andcovers her with a thick brown fur blanket that has White stripes, he is about to leave when Nicole stops him by grabbing his hand.

"Please, stay," she asks him weakly which surprises both me and La'jar but he agrees to stay on her behalf.

"Sei-i, I will stay until you fall asleep again my lou-dte kale," he says as he climbs into the bed and gets under the fur blanket with Nicole and holds her close him on her right side. While I go snuggle with Nicole on her left and easily fall asleep knowing Nicole was here with me.

La'jar's POV

I was surprised that my lou-dte kale had wanted me to rest alongside her and the pup that she protects with her life. She never lets anyone near the pup called Torie let alone wanting me around her at all. I could hear both Torie and Nicole's breath fall deeper into sleep but I couldn't pull myself to leave Nicole's side now that I've been given the chance to be near her. Then I hear a knock at my quarters door and force myself to pull away from my lou-dte kale for now. Once I open my door I'm surprised to see R'ka my SIC.

"R'ka wha-" I but he cuts me off.

"The ancients are on transmission line clan leader La'jar and they wish to speak with you about your lou-dte kale," he say bowing his head in submission. At this I bristle what could the ancients possibly want to discuss to me about my lou-dte kale that I don't already know. As I make my way to the transmission room I am not in the mood to deal with them after having to deal with Bäckō'sĕvï today with my mate.

I bow my head in submission as the holograms of all ten ancients were present which surprised me even more.

"You may rise Clan leader La'jar, I know you are wondering why we brought you here but the news we bear concerns your lou-dte kale," says Ancient Verko he is at least seven feet tall and has long grey tendrils the reach all the way to back of his knees and has older faded green scales that look more like a pale green instead his eyes are red with hints of gold. The crest of his head is light green with spike going along his head and brown stripes all along his body his cape is Dark green and he has Black armor on.

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