Chapter 55

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"So will the serum work for me or not I remember one of the doctors here saying how he had to create new serum for me since there was more human blood in me than there was Yautja, but as soon as he gave the serum there, were... definitely some changes that we all noticed," I say as they all look at me confused. That is until I explained my height difference and and eyes changing color from that of brown to gold Yautja eyes that I had inherited from my great grandfather Elder Küzŏn. They looked at me then at my Elder grandfather and nodded their heads in understanding now as they saw the similarities.

"I guess we are just going to have to wait and see what happens then, since you are the second hybrid female and your daughter being the third but with more Yautja blood in her veins," says my Elder grandfather as he gives my daughter a hard look as if deciphering what is to become of her as she sleeps soundly in my arms.

"Oh fun fact about Neveah it seems she's inherited my gold eyes as well," I say with pride as Allie gushes over at how she saw her nieces eyes and I was right. The males continue to talk about the meeting and would need to discuss with the other Elders what is to happen and how this meeting is to going to be determine. "What is to become of the future?" I thought in my head as I looked down at my little girl who opened her beautiful gold eyes again and smiled up at me.

La'jar's POV

I had continued talking with the other clan leaders and my Lou'dte kale's grandfathers as we all discussed about the meeting that the Elders wanted all of us to attend especially our Lou'dte kales.

"I do not like that they had asked to see our Lou'dte kales," comments Guan-thwei with distaste.

"I'm well aware for your concern but if they are evaluating our Lou'dte kale's then it is unwise to go against their wishes," I tell Guan-thwei understanding his concern not only as a mate but also as a father who wants to protect his children.

"La'jar is right about this, it would be unwise though I will need to come along with you all, I think it's about time I made myself known to the other Elders." said Nicole's great grandfather Elder Küzŏn causing all of us to look at him with surprise.

"Are you sure that is wise you know the other Elder and Ancients will pester you on why you did not show up as soon as your ship exploded every Yautja thought you were dead," said Bäckō'sĕvï with concern for his old master.

"It must be done if we are to work together to defeat a common enemy then we must not start an alliance with lies," said Elder Küzŏn as he looked at all of us and now we understood what he was saying. "He wanted all the clans to come together to defeat a common enemy but that hasn't been done in over 1,000,000 years!" I thought in my head as not all the clans might agree to this, but the more I thought about it the more it started to make sense. "Now is more of a perfect time than any after all, since most of the clans have accepted Ooman females as mates excluding Bäckō'sĕvï then we might actually have a good chance at forming an alliance between all the clans." I thought in my head.

"Hmmm if your plan works Elder Küzŏn... then this will be the first alliance in over 1,000,000 years, how are you so sure about the alliance will work now?" ask clan leader Guan-thwei as he looked skeptically at the Elder. "I knew what Guan-thwei was getting at but I too wanted to know what is the Elder's back up plan if this doesn't all work out the way he hopes?" I thought in m head.

"Then we are all doomed if we can't even put our differences aside to defeat a common enemy separately we are weak but together we are strong," said Elder Küzŏn as he gave us all a grave look and we knew what he meant by that. There was indeed a war at hand, and right now we needed each other to stay close because our enemies were preparing to strike at any given moment.

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