Chapter 30

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*I clear my throat* "I'm not laughing at you my lou'dte kale, simply laughing that my cousin finally got what was coming to him, please continue," I say to her hoping that it would lighten up the mood.

"Mmhrmm, well before I was interrupted by someone, Tri'ste had taken me to the infirmary to see you and my cousin Victoria." Nicole starts  her story...

Nicole's POV

*Nicole's Memory*

As Tri'ste was taking me to the medical area I couldn't help but worry for both Victoria and La'jar's wellbeing it was eating me alive. By the time we had gotten there Victoria was awake and run at me a hundred miles per hour to give me a hug but as soon as she saw Tri'ste she clutches onto me even tighter and trying to stay out of line of sight. I just pet her head where the injury was suppose to be but found nothing and was greatly relieved that it wouldn't leave permanent damage on her head. She immediately calmed down and I caused her a minor distraction as I wrapped her in my arms when the doctor came into the room and told me that Torie was going to be alright which left me with a huge sigh of relief.

"Since you two are here, are you alright with me doing your physical now?" asks the doctor. I look at Torie and she looks at me with a smile and I look at the doctor and nod my head.

"I think we might as well get this over with then shall we Torie?"I ask my cousin as she lifts her arms up in excitement

"Alright I'll do the pups physical first and then yours lou'dte kale is that alright?" he asks me.

"That is fine by me," I say to him as he has Torie stand and scans her over with different devices and he gave her a few shots which I told her not to look at because he hates needles like I do. After that he got a little bit of her blood in a test tube scanned it and the light turned green.

"And we are done! Little pup! You are officially done with your physical," says the doctor and a few women come to pick up Torie since apparently mine would be longer than hers.

"How is my cousin is she ok?" I ask the doctor when she leaves the room.

"Yes, she is very healthy Ooman pup, I'm surprised since she was never vaccinated before she got here and she lasted as long as she did. You did a very good job in raising her you should be proud." he says as he smiles at me pride glowing from his eyes and this causes my ego to be boosted. He then proceeds to scan me over to see if I'm healthy and gives me a few more shots than Victoria and takes my blood when he scans my blood the light turns blue instead of green which peeks his interest even more. As he scans it again and again the light turns blue, and blue again he then looks at my confused face. "Is something wrong with my blood can my cousin contract it!? If so I need to stay away from her as far as possible!" I thought in my head.

"Is something wrong?" I ask him more curious than ever. He doesn't say anything he just stares at me and then tells me he'll be right back. Now I'm more worried about myself than anything else. "What is wrong with me? Is the medicine not working on me? Am I immune to it? What is going on?" I thought in my head frantically and worried out of my mind. Then the doctor comes in with my test results from what I'm guessing and looks at me not sure what to say then an even older Yautjan heck he looks Ancient! Oh...! He must be one of the Ancients that La'jar was mentioning.

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