Chapter 51

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"Ok, Colie what's the plan?" said Torie in a hushed tone. As the others crowd while I'm breastfeeding Neveah.

I was about to tell them the plan when on of the pups asks why my baby was under the blanket.

"Isn't it obvious? She's keeping her baby warm, why else would she be covered as well? I mean come on you don't want our Lou'dte kale and her pup to get sick now do you?" says Torie in a duh tone and the other pups nod their heads understanding now why I was covered up I was thanking God for Torie's ignorance and theirs as well.

"Ok so here's the plan," I say explaining the whole thing to them on how to sneak up on Set'gn and attack him with tickles from everywhere. "This was going to be fun," I thought in my head smiling at the thought of surprising Set'gn with tickles from all sides.

Set'gn's POV

"I'll never admit it but the one named Nicole had surprised me when she had shown her motherly tenderness to the pup named Torie or Victoria was her real name but she liked being called Torie. I was surprised to see that the Ooman pup was so small and young and yet Nicole had taught her the things that she knows now... well most of the things she knows Tri'ste had been her mentor in Nicole's absence of her life. It had shocked me that the pup was well knowledgeable about how to hunt and track down prey so well she had hair black as night and skin white as snow her eyes are what caught my attention the most they were mixture of light gold and a darker shade of green. She was striking to me I may be young to have finished my chiva at only fourteen and I'm now fifteen, but her? She might finish it when she's sixteen!" I thought in my head. As I was lost in my thoughts I failed to notice that the little pupils had surrounded me and out of nowhere they were on top of me me thinking it was an attack until I felt them tickling me.

"HEY! HA! HA! AH! HA! AH! STOP! HA! HA! HA! HA! STOP!" I say trying to get them off of me but their laughter mixed with mine caused them to tickle me even more. "I've had enough with these pups and Nicole! Grrr! CURSE THAT CONNIVING LOU'DTE KALE!!!" I thought in my head as I pushed all the pups out of my way and bristling at all of them Torie was about to join them but as soon as she saw me bristle she instantly went to Nicole's side terrified. "Hmph well serves those pup right they shouldn't tickle me when I don't want to be tickled." I thought in my head determined but sad that I frightened Torie for some reason and shaking my head of these ridiculous thoughts of Torie.

After my outburst all the pups went to their mothers causing another moment of pain to go through me as I can no longer be with my mother or newborn sister. "Watching Nicole with her daughter reminded me to much of my mother and a sister that I barely new, but was so excited to be her role model instead life decided that I would never get the chance to do so. I was crushed when they were gone why should that Lou'dte kale get a happy family when half of mine was taken away from ME!!!" I thought in my head bitterly.

"Set'gn, what is the meaning of this? They are pups there is no need to be so rough with them. They were Simply trying to lift your spirits is that so wrong?" said the Lou'dte kale that I envied so much.

"Meaning of this? So wrong? How can you be happy when there are Yautja out on the battlefield fighting with their lives! For what!? To protect what you? A female who doesn't even seem to care about if they live or die!" I shout frustrated that this female. "She didn't even seem the least bit worried not even for her mate who would die for her in a heartbeat!" I thought in my head as I glared at her, but it looks as if my rant wasn't even affecting her! "What does it take to make this female see that everything wasn't alright, or fine and care free?!" I thought in my head furious at her that she wouldn't even show the least bit of emotions towards me. All the females were looking at us worried as they held their pups and watched to see what Nicole would do next.

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