Chapter 42

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"You have nothing to worry about you will be fine, and Torrie will be with Tri'ste and his other pupils to meet us there," he says as he rests his head against mine.

"I know I just have this feeling like something is going to go horribly wrong," I say to him honestly.

"Everything will be fine the planet is ready to be harvested and you will be in the jungle with the other Young bloods and Unblooded. Me and the other tribe leaders along with the other Mentors will be watching everything that goes on in the forest in different parts." he reassures me and nuzzles me.

"I hope your right," I say as I sigh into his touch and instantly relax.

Victoria's (aka Torie) POV

I watched as my cousin Nicole went aboard the ship that La'jar her mate was on, I know she's always come back on hunts, but this hunt wasn't like the others and I was going to do everything in my power to make sure she made it out of there alive.

"Torie come on we are leaving Now!" said Tri'ste as he calls out to me and I come running with my bow and spear in hand at the front of the ship I am meet with Vayuh'ta. He sees me and runs up to me with a big smile on his face.

"Hey Torie!" he says excitedly as he comes up to me and I pull him to the side not wanting the other to hear our conversation or plan we make up to get into that chiva.

"What is the matter Torie why you pull me li-" he starts but I cut him off covering his mouth as I check if the coast is clear.

"Ok the coast is clear," I say as I uncover his mouth.

"Ok Torie what is going on?" he asked me.

"I need your help in entering the chiva," I say bluntly and he stares at me wide eyed.

"What!?" he says screaming but I cover his mouth again.

"Ssshhh, do you want us to get caught making a plan like this?" I say trying to keep low key.

"We aren't even suppose to make a plan like this the Chive is only for highly skilled warriors and hunters anybody going in that isn't one will surely be killed!" he shouts in a loud whisper.

"I know but I have to get in there my cousin is going to be in there I have to help her in anyway I can to make sure she survives," I whisper back to him.

"Torie it's suicide! Your better staying here where your cousin knows you're safe," he tells looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Look you don't have to help me if you don't want to I thought I could ask for your help with this but apparently I can't," I say storming off and finding my own way of helping my cousin survive the Chiva.

"Torie wait, please I'm just trying to look after you is all," he says catching up to my fast pace.

"And who's going to look after my Cousin she- she was the only one there for me when my sister was taken, and my parents were ripped away from me before I could actually remember them! My cousin always had my back and now it's my turn to have hers. What am I suppose to do if she doesn't come back? I could never live with myself if anything happened to her and I knew I could've, or should've done something to help her..." I say breaking down. Vayuh'ta looks at me with sorrowful eyes and grabs my hand.

"Come on I've got a plan," he says as he leads me to what looks like a control room where all the cameras are and the security system is.

"I can temporarily disable the security system for about three minutes. You have until that time to run off into the forest before the program starts again around our ship, to find your cousin and roughly around thirty minutes before anybody notices your gone. Got it?" he says to me and I don't say anything I just hug him.

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