Chapter 18

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"Remember you are not to tell anyone else of what happened here not even La'jar, only the Elders and female Oomans who have taken this test you are able to discuss this with no one else," says the Elder with all seriousness and I nod my head to him as we make out of a different door.

La'jar's POV

"What is taking them so long? So help me if that Elder even thinks about hurting a single hair on her head I will mount his head as one of my trophies and have it placed on my wall for all to see!" I thought in my head as I was getting impatient waiting for the Elder and my mate. "After all I could only answer Torie's question to the best of my ability it's not like I could know what was going on in there since I didn't know c'jit on how these things worked!"

*C'jit: means 'shit'*

Right when I was about to go down there and kill the Elder for keeping my mate for far to long for my liking! I saw the Elder come out with Nicole and nod his head to the other elders as they had the gold and black paints, the colors of my tribe, this is where she is painted with the tribe colors that will stay on her body permanently. I knew I had to go down there to over see her markings as her mate.

"Centanu take the pup back to the ship I trust you can keep her safe no?" I ask him as he bows to me.

"Yes Clan Leader La'jar," says Centanu leading Torie back to the ship explaining to her that her cousin will be joining them shortly.

Torie had Centanu if they were going mark her cousin and if it would hurt her, but he had assured her that it did not hurt but it would be permanent though, he had explained to her that it would just stain her skin permanently but the paint wouldn't harm my mate her cousin. Her cousin seemed to not believe him saying how is that possible since on her planet they were told that whenever someone stained their skin it would hurt she said they called it a tattoo. After Centanu and Torie had left from my hearing range I made my way down to where the elders were with my soon to be mate and Nicole since everyone else was gone this was only meant to be a private section. Since she's my mate and chosen lou-dte kale, I was very as the Oomans called protective and possessive over her, and wouldn't want any other male to look at her naked body while I painted my tribal markings on her. "Only I was allowed to see her that way!" I thought in my head determined. The only reason the Elders were here was because each one was suppose to give her a blessing and gift letting her know that they had all agreed with our union and show their approval of her being my lou-dte kale.

The colored body paints were already set the gold and black were placed around the center of the room where Nicole needed to strip for this process so that I may paint her with my tribal markings and status as my mate. Elder Teätro had the loud'te kale cloth that was gold and black signifying not only the high status for being the new mate of a Yautja Leader and the mother to all of her tribe members, but the right she had earned from the Elders as being my mate.

"I bring a gift to you and your mate as a sign of her standing, and an excellent contribution to both you and your tribe La'jar." says Elder Teätro as he hands me the black and gold cloth pieces that she will wear as my loud'te kale.

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