Chapter 6

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La'jar's POV

"KI' CTE!!!, LOU-DTE KALE!!!! KI' CTE!!!" I yell as she just wouldn't stop kicking and yelling for me to let her go. We're about to board my ship when something hard hits the back of my head and causes me to drop my lou-dte kale. Once I let go of her she runs off, "did she hit me did my lou-dte kale actually hit me!? Pauk she hits hard! AND I'VE HAD IT!!!" I think in my head. I see my second in command R'ka carrying her on his side. "I tried being polite about this whole situation but Damn this female! She's going to be a wild one when I start giving her my pups!" I think happily, but focus on a more important matter and that's showing my lou-dte kale her place. I take off my mask and flare out my mandibles daring her to challenge me. To my surprise, pleasure, and liking she doesn't which causes both me and R'ka to give off happy rumbles as he hands her to my confused and outraged lou-dte kale. I continue to carry my frustrated and fiesty lou-dte kale to my quarters and pinch one of her nerves so she falls asleep. I continue my way to my quarters carrying my female bridal style with Centanu behind me carrying the little pup that was with my female. I motion for him to carry her to my quarters I'll leave my pup with my female for now until I am able to contact Guan-thwei or his mate, to see if they'll take care of the pup instead of my female and I. I set my female down on my bed as Centanu set the pup next to her and leaves my quarters. I look to my sleeping female and the pup that lies with her and can't but think of what my lou-dte kale's and I's pups will look like.

Victoria's POV

I'm laying down on so something soft that I know it's not my bed but I dont' feel like waking up until I feel someone try and wake me up.

"Grrr...nooooo..." I grown and try to cover my face more, "because this bed is ssssooooooo cooommmfffyyyyy..." I think in my head.

"Torie wake up!" I hear a my cousin whisper loudly.

"Uh? WHa?" I say half as sleep.

"Torie! Come on we need to get out of here!" says my cousin Nicole.

"Nicole can't it wait till later?" I'm tired" I complain not wanting to hear what she has to say.

"Torie come on before they come back," says my cousin, "She literally dragging out of the most comfortable bed I ever slept in!!!! I mean like come on RUDE much!!!" I think in my head.

NO!" I say trying to get away from her and into the most comfortable bed ever.

"Torei we need to hurry now get up!" She yells this time and I'm screaming in protest as she does so.

La'jar's POV

As I'm making my way back to my room when I hear shouting coming from it I believe it's the little pup and my female having a disagreement so when I step inside you can just imagine my surprise when I walk in to see my lou-dte kale pulling the little pup that was with her off of my bed and the pup protesting in response.

As soon as I walk in they both look at me and I can't help but find their predicament to be quite what's the word ah yes humorous and I'm thankful for the mask being on.

"Is there a problem?" I ask facing my lou-dte kale.

My female looks at me wide eyed and gets in front of the pup that's been traveling with her, "why is she always- Oh that's why she despises us she thinks we are going to hurt the little pup that is with her," I think in my head. "There have been some clans that have been know to kill a few pups, if not then all the pups that are with the female that they have chosen. To me, well... that's wrong, a pup is a pup and all life should be spared, at a certain point in life, If a pup is unable to reason then they are to not be killed, in ooman cases that age for our standards is usually when an ooman pup is 11 or younger. To me the pup that is with my female seems be around the age of 9 so it is safe in our clan for now, before we start to training her at the age of 10. That when things get harder for our younglings." I think in my head.

Nicole's POV

I'm in front of my cousin ready to protect my cousin and trying my hardest to be intimidating and this thing has the audacity to laugh right in front of my face! "How dare this this mother fucker!!!" I think in my

"You have nothing to fear, you are both safe he-" he starts how these thing are able to speak English is beyond me!

"No you look hear I'm taking my cousin with me and we are going back to Earth where it is sa-" I start but get cut off.

"Safe? Safe you say? Well, if that planet is so safe then how come both my brethren and I had rescue this little pup from three ooman males that wanted to take advantage of a young pup like herself he says crossing his muscular arms over his chest and earning against the door frame casually.

"W-What-?" I start but my cousin Torie cuts me off.

"It's true Colie!" she says and I look to see her have tears in her eyes.

"You remember Le-Leon, he-he tried to to-," but I cut her off as I hold her and now realizing that some of her clothes were barely hanging on her. She sobs in my shoulder as I hold her frame close to me, "I'm never leave her out of my sights again I think in my head.

"Please don't be mad at them Colie they saved me," said my cousin I know it pains me to say this them especially... him, the one that carried me on the ship.

"Thank you," I say standing up and holding my cousin close to me as she buries her face in my abdomen still crying her eyes out.

"Of course, you are welcome, my lou-dte kale," he says to me what does that even mean? Loodkle?" What is that word I guess it is true that both me and Torie are safer with them than where we were before on our planet but if they make me do one thing that I don't like I killing every single one of these mother fuckers until I get both me and Torie off of this uhh... Ship? I think that's what this is," I think in my head. He is still standing at the doorway a good distance that I consider to be fair. I face towards him and it looks like he perks up but I can't really tell since he has his mask on.

"Um where are we anyway," I ask and he seems happy to answer again I don't know since he has his mask on but his body language says otherwise.

"You are on my ship and we are head to the mother ship where all tribes reside now at the moment," he say with a proud voice.

Is it-" I get cut off as he speaks.

"Safe? yes quite so, since you are my lou-dte kale my tribe would do anything to keep you safe and anyone who is with you as well," he says relieving my suspicions and worries. After a while of talking with him Torie fell asleep in my arms after her much needed crying. I soon realized what a lou-dte kale is and I'm not happy about what it means, I now understood why he had decided to make me his lou-dte kale after he explained it to me, and why my cousin did not retrieve me in the first place as well which saddened me.

"Will I or she be able to visit one another?" I ask him with hope and he shakes his head no.

"I'm sorry my lou-dte kale but you nor her will be able to do that both Guan-thwei's are enemies for years I'm sorry but to make agreements between clans would be to great of a risk unless we both have a common enemy I'm sorry," he tells me in a grave tone and it causes me to let a few tear fall from my and then a yawn comes to me. I feel so emotionally exhausted.

"Rest my lou-dte kale I'll wake you when we are close," he says I let drowsiness take over as I sleep.

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