Chapter 50

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"Not like she gave a choice," I say smiling at my little bundle of joy as she cooed and smiled at me for the first time.

"SHEEE!?" said pops and Set'gn along with Elder grandfather walking in with Clan leader Bäckō'sĕvï as they all stared at my little Neveah.

"Yes SHE! It's not like she has an extra appendage that all you males have," I say in a stern tone and glaring at all of them. Then a messenger walks in and looks at Clan leader Bäckō'sĕvï and hands him the message. He reads it and looks at all of us and nods his head curtly.

"We leave for La'jar's clan tomorrow," he said and a bunch of nerves were surrounding me as I thought about how everyone will think about not only me being alive but that I gave to La'jar's and I's daughter. "This is going to be interesting." I thought in my head.

Torie's POV

*One week Later*

I was in the middle of learning how to track down my prey with Tri'ste and the other Pupils, right now I was looking for anything that indicated that an animal was in the area. As I make my way a bit farther into the forest I notice claw marks but they look large claw marks but there seems to be a struggle as I follow where the tracks lead I'm horrified at what I see what looks like a huge black panther but it's fur is the most beautiful fur I have ever seen in my life, and I don't see it breathing to well I inspect more closely and see a huge gash on its side and around its' head. It notices me and whimpers and then I see a tiny cub hissing at me trying to protect its' mother. The mother is to weak to defend herself and the cub is hissing at me trying to look intimidating. I make my way back to Tri'ste as I see all the other students piled up against one another tired and exhausted from looking for tracks.

This how they look:

Tri'ste notices that I'm out of breath as he approaches me with concern, and I explain to him what I found while I was tracking down the beast

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Tri'ste notices that I'm out of breath as he approaches me with concern, and I explain to him what I found while I was tracking down the beast. I show him where I found the mother with her cub only to find her no longer breathing anymore the cub is under its' mother's paw hoping she would wake up as it whines and mews for its' mother to wake up. Only find her unresponsive, and dead I have tears in my eyes as I now realize that this beautiful predator was suffering and died from her wounds probably trying to protect her cub.

This is the mother and cub:

This is the mother and cub:

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