Chapter 60

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"You honor me immensely by carrying one of my pups, but now four more? This gives me great pleasure and pride. For my kind the more pups a female carries the higher the honor is for the family blessed with so many little ones." I say as she smiles up at me and wraps her arms around my neck and kisses the side of my mandible.

"It scares me a little bit because of all the complications there are during a birth for women will I and our children be alright?" she asked me worried for her well being and our pups.

"Sei-i, yes, our medics know how to treat females who struggle with births all the time have not lost one patient you will be fine, I promise all of you," I say as I put her down as we reach the banquet hall. I nuzzle her and I have my right arm securely around her and our unborn pups smiling with pride.

Nicole's POV

After I had taken Neveah to have a bath with both Torie and I, I had received a message from our medic or healer, as La'jar puts it. When I read the message I nearly fainted, the last appointment I had the medic send me the images of how my child since we all had to leave soon and see how my child was doing. Only to find out that I'm not having 'a' child, I'm having children four of them to be precise, and that scared me because I've heard of all the complications that mothers had when they were expecting more that one. And let me tell you they were not good either, if you had money then ya sure there was a less than likely you will die in a hospital room, but if you didn't the money your chances were more slim than others and were a lucky one if you survived the birth with all your children.

As I had finished getting ready and putting on Neveah's outfit I walked out with Torie all dressed up As soon as we exited the bathroom La'jar gave a soft purring and didn't stop staring at me.

"You look mesmerizing," says La'jar as he continues to stare at me and I give a small blush. "Ugh why am I so nervous I hate being this way!" I thought in my head as I hold Neveah in my left arm while holding Torie's hand with myright, but Torie seems to have other ideas. Victoria takes Neveah from me and walks in between the guards that were posted outside our door there were six of them La'jar waived for them to walk with Torie and our daughter Neveah. The guards nodded their heads to him I was a bit hesitant because I didn't want to be alone with La'jar at the moment. "And because I was still over protective over Torie and Neveah, ugh curse my maternal instincts!" I thought in my head frustrated but glad that we weren't far behind from them.

After a while of silence I spoke up since now is a better time than never to tell La'jar how many pups we are having.

"You don't look bad yourself, is what I meant to say back there," I say as I can feel my face gets redder by the second.

"What is the matter my Lou'dte kale? You are flushed, are you not feeling well?" he asked me as I shakes her head no and not even saying a word to him because my nerves are all bundled up inside of me .

"Nicole I can tell when you are hiding something," he says catching onto my lie but I deny it and then hesitates to speak as my face becomes even more flushed.

"What is it my Lou'dte kale? You know you can tell me anything," I pushes as he brings me closer to him and begins to purr even more to help calm my nerves which is working but I'm still nervous as ever to tell him how many children we are expecting.

"It's just, that, w-well, um..." I hesitate but he nuzzles his head against mine while purring calming me down.

"Take your time my Lou'dte kale it's ok," he say as he smile down at me.

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